1. Qualities
    1. Virtual Storage
      1. Delicious
      2. Diggo
      3. Pearltrees
    2. Manipulative
    3. Dynamic
    4. Infinately Copied
  2. What's Digital?
    1. Text
    2. Images
      1. Photography
        1. Digital Cameras
        2. Mobile Phones
        3. Smart Phones
          1. Take the picture
          2. Edit the picture
          3. Publish the Picture
        4. Storage
          1. Flickr
          2. http://flickr.com
          3. Picasa
          4. http://picasa.google.com
          5. Others
          6. http://photobucket.com
          7. http://smugmug.com/
      2. Image Sources
        1. http://goo.gl/zkL0
        2. http://goo.gl/zkL0
      3. Fair Use
        1. Purpose of Copyright is to Protect the rights of creatives
          1. Past
          2. Future
        2. It's fair use depends on two questions
          1. Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?
          2. Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?
      4. Creative Commons
        1. http://creativecommons.org/
        2. http://flickr.com/creativecommons
    3. Sound
      1. Digital Recorders
      2. Smart Phones
      3. Found
        1. Archive.org
    4. Video
      1. Video Cameras
      2. Smart Phones
      3. Found
        1. YouTube
        2. Archive.org
  3. Data Visualization & Infographics