1. History
  2. Future development
    1. Ubiquitous communication
    2. High functionality systems
    3. Mass availability of computer graphics
    4. Mixed media
    5. High-bandwidth interaction
    6. Large and thin displays
    7. Embedded computation
    8. Augmented reality
    9. Group interfaces
    10. User Tailorability
    11. Information Utilities
  3. Goals
    1. methodologies and processes for designing interfaces
    2. methods for implementing interfaces
    3. techniques for evaluating and comparing interfaces
    4. developing new interfaces and interaction techniques
    5. developing descriptive and predictive models and theories of interaction
  4. Practitioners VS researchers
  5. HC Interface
    1. Task Environment
    2. Machine Environment
    3. Areas of the Interface
    4. Input Flow
    5. Output
    6. Feedback