simple carbohydrates
one or two sugar units
- table sugar
- fructose
- syrups
- white flower
fast sugar spikes
big rush
- moody!
big drop
- moody!
can not use all at once
- stores as fat
- glucose to glycogen to fat
health complaints
- hypoglycemia
- diabeties
- insulin resistance
processed simple carbs
- bad
not so bad simple carbs
- enzymes
- vitamins
- minerals
- fibre
- protein
- vitamins
- fats
denatured carbs
- grain is refinded
- quick digestion
- nutrients removed
- fibre removed
- less nutritious
- energy-destabilizing sugars
e.g. white flower
bran fibre removed
- no digetsive benefits
- slowing of the break down of food
- slowing of the absorption of fat
germ removed
- nutritional value removed
- endosperm remains
complex carbohydrates
3 single sugar molecules
- energy store in plants
can cause blood sugar to rise quickly
- cellulose slows the effect
- glycemic index
- effects on blood sugar
- how fast
- how much
- broken down slower than simple carbohydrates
- maintains healthy glucose level to brain and muscles
- grain
- potatoes
- rice
- peas
- legumes
- corn
- NONE in animal based foods
- maltose
- plant structure
- dietary fibre
slows the effect of glucose absorption from starch
- helps blood sugar level
- green beans
- broccoli
- spinache
- NONE in animal based foods
half of your calorie intake
- i.e. half the plate of food