1. Public Domain data
    1. Publications
    2. World heat flow database
      1. Grading the data
      2. Display
      3. Interpolation
      4. Measured heat production vs heat flow graph
      5. Measured and calculated Thermal Conductivities
  2. Clients data
    1. Temperature in wells
      1. Temperature gradients
        1. Conductive Heat flow in basin
      2. Lithology composition
    2. Gamma ray logs
      1. heat production in basement and sediments
  3. Inferred Basement Heat Flow
    1. Oceanic
      1. age
        1. age > 55ma
          1. Stein & Stein
        2. age < 55ma
          1. Subtopic
      2. Hydrothermalism
      3. Distance from the ridge
    2. Continental
      1. Stable
        1. Youngest thermal events Qt
        2. Radiogenic Heat production Qr
          1. Age
          2. variation of heat production through time
          3. Composition
          4. Heat production
          5. Thickness H
          6. Basement thickness
          7. SEEBASE
          8. Moho
          9. Isotope distribution with depth
        3. Average Background Heat Flow Q0
      2. Extended
        1. Lithosphere Stretching Factor b
        2. Basement stretching factor d
    3. Transitional
    4. Collision or subduction zones