1. Area of Inquiry
    1. Your Values
    2. Leader work
    3. Goal
      1. Cultural change
      2. Productivity
      3. Performance
      4. Employee attitude
    4. Recruiting
    5. Expectations & Needs
    6. Building Chemistry
    7. Setting the Course
    8. Early Wins
    9. Risks
    10. Communication
    11. Time to Acknowledge
    12. Clearing Up Setbacks
    13. Moving Things Forward
    14. Motivational Strategies
    15. Transitions Out
    16. Transitions In
    17. Lessons Learned
  2. Values
    1. My top 5 non-negotiable core values include:
      1. Subtopic 1
      2. Subtopic 2
      3. Subtopic 3
      4. Subtopic 4
      5. Subtopic 5
      6. Subtopic 6
      7. Subtopic 7
      8. Subtopic 8
      9. Subtopic 9
      10. Subtopic 10
    2. Values you won't tolerate on the team
      1. Subtopic 6
      2. Subtopic 7
      3. Subtopic 8
      4. Subtopic 9
      5. Subtopic 10
      6. Subtopic 11
      7. Subtopic 12
      8. Subtopic 13
      9. Subtopic 14
      10. Subtopic 15
  3. Team Goals
    1. What will the team achieve?
    2. By when?
    3. How will the team measure and keep track of success?
  4. Recruiting for BOTH Talent and Character
    1. The talents we need on the team include
    2. The character traits we require are
    3. How we will recruit people to our team
    4. How we will confirm that we have the right candidate for our team
    5. Strategies to persuade people to join our team over other opportunties include
  5. Roles
    1. What needs to be done
    2. Type of talent/skills needed
    3. Who will do it
  6. What We Need
    1. Team Member
      1. What I Need
      2. Who I Need It From
      3. Confirmed?
  7. Building Chemistry
    1. How well does your team know, trust, and care for each member of the team?
    2. What is the equivalent of a "conditioning camp" you can do with the team to get them on the same page and have them bond (e.g., a rigorous training session or retreat)?
    3. How can you have each team member get to know each other well (e.g., the pairing up exercise in which two team members meet, learn everything they can about the other person, and introduce the other person to the group)?
    4. What kind of off-site trip can you take with the team so that they can bond in a non-work setting?
    5. How often will the team get together to break bread and share a meal?
    6. What else can you do to help your team develop chemistry?
  8. Setting the course
  9. Early Wins
    1. Early Win
      1. By When
      2. Plan to Make it Happen
      3. Who Makes It Happen
  10. Anticipate Risks
    1. Risk
      1. Impact of the Risk
      2. Probability
      3. How we can avoid it
      4. How we can be ready if it happens
  11. Communication Plan
    1. How often will we come together to discuss progress?
    2. When is the first/next meeting?
    3. Where will it be?
  12. Acknowledgement
    1. What We Need to Acknowledge
    2. Who Needs to Be Acknowledged
    3. How We Will Acknowledge
    4. By When
  13. Moving Things Forward
    1. Meeting Consideration
      1. Negativity
        1. Subtopic 2
        2. Subtopic 2
        3. Subtopic 3
        4. Subtopic 4
        5. Subtopic 5
      2. Vision
      3. Coming Up With Opportunities
      4. Evaluating/Analyzing Opportunities
      5. Collecting Data
      6. Choosing an Opportunity to Pursue
      7. Committing to Action
      8. Dealing with a Setback
      9. Communicating Progress
      10. Acknowledging a Result
      11. Other
  14. Clearing Up Setbacks
    1. What Happened
    2. When It Happened
    3. Damage Done to Relationships on the Team
    4. How We Will Clear It Up and Move Forward
    5. Who Is Involved
    6. By When
  15. Motivational Strategies
    1. Things on the team that need turning around, and how we will make the turnaround happen?
    2. How I will make sure that team members continue to develop professionally while on the team, and after?
    3. How I will keep the lines of communication open?
    4. Types of messages the team needs to hear in different situations, and based on what different people are doing?
    5. Real achievements that deserve celebration and how we will celebrate?
    6. Team
      1. Team awareness
        1. Member 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
        2. Member 2
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
        3. Member 3
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
        4. Member 3
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
        5. Member 4
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
        6. Member 5
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. Subtopic 3
  16. Transitions Out
    1. How we will capture their knowledge of their role so a new team member can take over?
    2. How we will allow for enough time to train someone new?
    3. How we will acknowledge them for their contribution?
    4. How we will help team members move forward and welcome the new team member, if any?
    5. How we will make sure that the team member does not take any confidential information?
    6. What else we will do?
  17. Transitions In
    1. How we ramp up team members.
    2. How we train them.
    3. How we get them the tools and equipment they need to start up.
    4. How we oversee them to make sure they are making a smooth transition.
    5. How we welcome the and get them introduced to other team members.
    6. How we make sure other team members accept and welcome them.
    7. What else?
  18. Lessons Learned
    1. Lesson
      1. Change We Will Make
      2. By When
      3. By Whom