1. Regulating Act 1773
    1. First time regulation of EIC
    2. Court of directs under British parliament and above governor general of Bengal
    3. Governor to Governor general (first - warren hestings and executive council of 4 members
      1. Bombay and madrash government under governor general
    4. Private trades and gifts prohibited for company employees
    5. Establishment of supreme court , 1774 Consisting one chief justice and three other judges
  2. Pits India act 1784
    1. Court of director for trade
    2. Board of control for law, revenue, administration and political affair
      1. 6 members
    3. First time use of word " British possessions in India"
  3. Charter Act 1793
    1. More power to lord cornowallis than other presidencies
    2. Board of control staff salary from Indian revenues
  4. Charter Act 1813
    1. Ended EIC monopoly (except Tea and with China)
    2. Christian missionaries allowed
    3. 1 Lakh money for education
  5. Charter Act 1833
    1. Final step toward centralisation
    2. Governor general of bengal to Governor general of India (Willum bentic)
      1. 4 members in executive council
    3. Establishment of Law commission (first- Lord mekole)
    4. Madras and Bombay presidency law making power Deprived
    5. Attempted to introduce open competition for civil services
    6. Abolished slavery
  6. Charter Act 1853
    1. 6-6 members for executive and legislative functions
      1. First parliament
      2. 4 are from presidencies
        1. Shows Local representation
    2. Introduced open competition for civil services in 1854
  7. Government of India Act 1858
    1. From EIC to British crown
      1. British crown
        1. Indian Secratary
          1. Viceroy
          2. British Presidencies
          3. District Officers
    2. COD and BOC ended
      1. Indian secretary appointed under British crown with 15 member council of India
  8. Indian council Act 1861
    1. 3 Indians in viceroys legislative council
      1. 1 Raja of Banaras 2 Maharaja of Patiyala 3 Sir Dinkar Rao
    2. Ordinance powers to Viceroy during emergency
    3. Introduced Portfolio system (by lord kenning)
    4. Initiated decentralization process
      1. By restoring law making powers of Bombay and Madras
    5. New legislative councils in Bengal, Punjab and North western provinces
  9. Indian Council Act 1892
    1. Started indirect elections for Non-Official Indian members added
      1. Right to discuss on some Law making process
  10. Morley-Minto Act 1909
    1. Indian representation in viceroy's executive council
      1. First member Satyendra Prasad Sinha
    2. Communal representation of Muslims
      1. Separate electorate for Muslims
    3. Can ask supplementary questions
  11. Montagu Chelmsford 1919
    1. Started Dyarchy system in provinces
      1. Two types of subjects
        1. Transferred Subjects
          1. Responsible and aid of legislative council of province
          2. Examples. Education, Health etc.
        2. Reserved Subjects
          1. Governor and his executive council's decision
          2. Not responsible to legislative council
          3. Ex. Law and Order, Finance
    2. Separate electorate for Muslims, Shikhs, Chistians, Anglo indian and Europeans
    3. First time Direct election ( limited persons )
    4. Right to vote to women also
    5. Bicameralism
    6. Provisions to review this act after 10 years by simon commission
    7. 1926 UPSC started by Lee commission
  12. Simon Commission 1927
    1. Seven British members
    2. Recommended
      1. Abolition of dyarchy in provinces
      2. Continue communal electorates
      3. Establish federation of India and princely states
  13. Communal award 1932
    1. By ramsey Macdonald (pm of Britain)
    2. Extra electorate for scheduled casts also
  14. Government of India Act 1935
    1. All India federation between provinces and princely states
      1. Provided Federal list, Provincial list and Concurrent list
        1. Failed because princely states did not join
    2. Abolished dyarchy in provinces and adopted in centre
      1. Federal subjects (Centre subjects) divided into transferred and reserved subjects
        1. Did not come into effect
      2. Gave autonomy to provinces and governor will act on advise of ministers
    3. Bicameralism in 6 out of 11 provinces
      1. Assam Bengal Bihar United Provinces Bombay Madras
    4. Establishment of RBI in 1935 (Hiltan young commission)
    5. Establishment of federal court 1937