1. Hormones
    1. secretion
      1. gland
        1. endocrine
          1. into
          2. blood
          3. affect
          4. cells
          5. ductless
        2. exocrine
          1. into
          2. space
  2. Function
    1. maintain
      1. constant
        1. internal
          1. environment
          2. chemically
          3. substance
          4. waste
          5. CO2
          6. Urea
          7. nutrients
          8. glucose
          9. protein
          10. concentration
          11. water
          12. ions
          13. physically
          14. temperature
  3. Mechanism
    1. Negative Feedback
      1. Components
        1. sensors
          1. detect
          2. status
          3. changes
          4. from
          5. norm
        2. control center
          1. indicate
          2. norm
          3. when
          4. at
          5. norm
          6. turn off
        3. effectors
          1. activates
          2. retain
    2. Positive Feedback
      1. concept
        1. exaggerate
          1. amplify
          2. already
          3. there
  4. Blood sugar level
    1. diabetes
      1. disease
        1. blood
          1. sugar
          2. level
          3. high
      2. Type 1
        1. Juvenile
        2. reason
          1. insulin
          2. lack
          3. genetic
          4. damage
          5. pancreas
      3. Type 2
        1. adult
          1. onset
        2. reason
          1. insulin
          2. resistant
          3. cells
          4. not
          5. responding
          6. muscle
          7. liver
          8. fat
      4. diagnosis
        1. when
          1. fasting
        2. interpret
          1. <100
          2. normal
          3. 100-125
          4. alarming
          5. >125
          6. diabetes
      5. Risk factors
        1. age
          1. <45
        2. obesity
          1. BMI
          2. >25
        3. acvities
          1. exercises
        4. family
          1. history
          2. related
          3. genes
        5. ethnicity
          1. african American
          2. hispanic
          3. Asian American
          4. American Indian
        6. blood
          1. pressure
          2. high
        7. lipid
          1. level
          2. low
          3. HDL
          4. cholesterol
          5. <35
      6. effects
        1. heart
          1. diseases
          2. Ischemic
          3. heart
          4. disease
        2. brain
          1. cerebrovascular
    2. Regulation
      1. low
        1. release
          1. glucagon
          2. transorm
          3. glycogen
          4. to
          5. glucose
          6. alpha cell
          7. pancreas
      2. high
        1. release
          1. insulin
          2. transform
          3. glucose
          4. to
          5. glycogen
          6. store
          7. liver
          8. encourage
          9. cells
          10. take
          11. up
          12. glucose
          13. d
          14. beta cell
          15. Pancreas
  5. Thermoregulation in Endotherms (Mammals, Birds)
    1. heat center
      1. brain
        1. hypothalamus
          1. thermoreceptor
          2. skin
          3. dermis
          4. receive
          5. signal
          6. change
          7. temperature
          8. if
          9. too
          10. hot
          11. cold
        2. Effectors reaction
          1. capillary bed
          2. vasodilation
          3. vasocontraction
          4. sweat gland
          5. open
          6. sweat
          7. evaporation
          8. close
          9. hair
          10. relax
          11. erect
          12. piloerection
          13. muscle
          14. relax
          15. shiver
          16. metabolism
          17. decrease
          18. increase