1. effective pollinators
  2. other pollinators
    1. flies
    2. ants
    3. beetles
    4. butterflies
    5. wasps
    6. bumblebees
    7. insects
  3. flowers
    1. 80%by insects
    2. 85%by honey bees
    3. 90%fruit trees by honey bees
  4. pollination
    1. 170,000 flowering plants
    2. 40,000 flowering plants dependent
  5. world wide
    1. pollinated by 9 species
    2. europe and africa only 1
  6. H.B successful
    1. million flowers by single colony
    2. inform about new area flowers
    3. all flowers are visited
    4. cope up with all type of flowers
    5. ideal partner for flowering plants
    6. adapt changing flower "situation"
    7. flowers attracts
  7. growth of pollen
    1. less for honey bees
    2. than wind pollination and flower eating beetles