1. IT Requirement
    1. Physical
      1. Load profile over time
        1. IT power requirements
          1. w/m2
          2. kW
      2. Space required for free standing equipment
      3. Number of racks or U
      4. Ultra secure requirements
      5. High density computing requirements
      6. Data Hall area required
        1. Modularity requirements
    2. Network
      1. Synch / Asynch requirements
      2. Interconnect technology
        1. Maximum distance from ???
      3. Carriers required
        1. Two diverse on site POP's
        2. Two MPLS diverse services
      4. MMR requirements
      5. Fibre for migration requirements
      6. Resilience
        1. Min two diverse routes
        2. Capacity
        3. Distance
    3. Function
      1. Define use
        1. Production / Contingency / Both
        2. Tier clasification required
          1. Tier 2 / 3/ 4 / multiple
        3. Hall separation
    4. Control and Operations
      1. Bridge / NOC requirements
        1. BCP Bridge?
  2. Security Requirement
    1. Security standards required
    2. List X
    3. Physical operational requirements
      1. Attack threat
      2. Double fence
        1. Alarm system
          1. Analyitics
          2. Sonic
      3. Vehicle locks / quarantine
      4. Personel turnstyles / quarantine
      5. Set back zone (building to perimeter)
        1. Remote parking
        2. Explosion size i.e. 2000lbs tnt at perimeter
        3. Building hardening
      6. Search on entry
      7. Gate / barrier / blocker type and number
      8. Car and lorry joint access or separate
      9. Air attack - plane, crash, missile
        1. Building hardening
      10. Security lodge
        1. Size
        2. No off
          1. Perimeter
          2. Interior
        3. Security specification
        4. Balistic
      11. Reception
        1. Bomb treat
          1. 22lb tnt
        2. X ray
    4. CCTV operational requirements
      1. Internal
      2. External
      3. Annalylitics
      4. Recording
      5. Remote site
    5. Access control and Intruder detection operational requirements
      1. Perimeter detection method
      2. Access control
      3. Biometrics
      4. Air locks
  3. Environmental Requirement
    1. Ability to run generators for 2 weeks
      1. No sensitive noise receivers
  4. Business Requirement
    1. Location of complex restrictions
      1. With ?? of ??
    2. Tax benefits
    3. Programme
      1. Ready for installation
      2. Ready for deployment
      3. Ready for service
    4. Planning
    5. Funding
    6. HR
    7. Corporate Image
      1. CSR
      2. EU COC
    8. Ownership
      1. Freehold or leasehold
      2. Multi occupancy
  5. Physical Requirements
    1. Geographical Requirements
      1. Not effected by forest fires
      2. Not liable to flooding
        1. Not near rivers, lakes etc
        2. Not in 200 year zone
        3. 100 to 200 year zone then defend against 200
      3. Not near coast (20miles)
      4. Geological
        1. Not on fault lines
        2. Not is siesmic zone
        3. Not near mines
    2. Transport Requirements
      1. Min 2 major routes
      2. Articular vehicle access
    3. Neighborhood
      1. Not in high terrorism or crime area
      2. Not near chemical plant or high risk industry
        1. Ideal 5 miles
      3. Not near airport or under flight path
        1. Ideal 5 miles
      4. Not within military rader area
      5. Not within microwave tower range
      6. Not suseptable to major accident i.e. Road / Rail
        1. If it is then protect
        2. Ideal 1 mile away
      7. Local to emergency services
        1. Ideal max 10 min by road
        2. If not consider on site
  6. Utility Requirements
    1. Electricity
      1. Two diverse suppliers
        1. Ideal - Two different primary sub stations
        2. Different sides of same sub station
        3. Diverse entry to site
      2. Capacity required
        1. Day 1 min
        2. Ultimate
      3. Alternative electrical sources
        1. On site primary generation
    2. Gas
      1. Not required unless one site generation is incorp
    3. Water
      1. Ideal two diverse supplies from different pump houses
      2. One supply plus local storage
    4. Sewage
      1. Connection available
    5. Diesel Fuel
      1. Min ?? weeks at full load
        1. Phased to suit load?
        2. Split tanks
      2. Diverse suppliers
        1. Good availabilty
      3. Fill point outside secure zone
  7. Building Services Requirements
    1. Water
      1. On site storage for 2 weeks
  8. Facility Design
    1. External space
      1. Car parking numbers
      2. Lorry / van parking
      3. Fire tender access to perimeter
    2. Plant compound
      1. Space required
      2. Walls / fence
        1. Reinforcement
        2. Bomb threat?
    3. Structure
      1. Wind speeds
        1. 150mph
      2. Bombs treat
        1. 2000lb outside fence
        2. 220lb inside fence
    4. Single story
      1. Now plant above or below data halls
    5. Vertical Transport
      1. Min 2 goods lifts
    6. Roof
      1. Pitched
      2. No valleys
      3. Drainage away from critical plant
    7. Energy
      1. Desired PUE or DCiE
    8. Electrical
      1. Load
        1. IT Load
        2. Mechanical load
      2. Earthing
        1. Dedicated clean requirements
      3. N Requirements
        1. Power distribution
          1. 2N
          2. Diverse routing
          3. Compartments for type of plant
        2. Generation
          1. 2N+1 / N+2
        3. UPS
          1. 2N+1
          2. UPS of choice
        4. PDU's
          1. Duel or single feed
          2. Static switch
          3. Auto change
          4. Manual change
          5. Harmonics
          6. Isolation TX
          7. Harmonic filters
          8. 2N
      4. Lightning and surge protection
      5. Load testing
        1. On site load banks
          1. Generators
          2. UPS's
    9. Mechanical
      1. Load
        1. Critical
        2. Non-critical
      2. N Requirements
        1. Heat rejection
          1. 2N+1
        2. Critical area cooling
          1. CRAC's
          2. N+20%
          3. Other type
        3. Distribution Systems
          1. 2N
        4. Pumps
          1. N+2 on each path
      3. Critical cooling
        1. Cooling storage / reserve
      4. Design conditions
        1. External
        2. Data halls
          1. To ASHREA ???
        3. Other areas
          1. To CIBSE guide
    10. Data Halls
      1. Physical
        1. Raised floor height
          1. Duty required
          2. Any extra heavy
        2. Min room height
        3. False ceiling
        4. Air separation
      2. Containment soultions
        1. Copper location
        2. Power location
        3. Fibre location
      3. Fire rating
      4. Leak detection
      5. Water cooled cabinets
        1. Drainage
        2. Leak detection
      6. RF screening
    11. Critical electrical plant
      1. No water over
      2. Fire rating
    12. Fire Protection
      1. Fire Detection
        1. All areas
        2. Enhanced in data Technical areas
      2. VESDA
        1. All Technical areas
      3. Gas Suppression
        1. All Technical areas
        2. Electrical plant rooms
      4. Water Mist
        1. Engine rooms
      5. Sprinklers
        1. Pre-Action
        2. Normal
          1. Office areas
    13. Monitoring
      1. BMS
      2. EMS
        1. Continuous dcie
        2. Final circuit monitoring
          1. PDU level
          2. Cabinet level
      3. Remote monitoring requirements
  9. Area Plan
    1. Technical
      1. Data Halls
        1. Day 1
        2. Final
      2. Media Halls
      3. MMR's
      4. POP's
      5. Splicing Rooms
    2. Loading Bay
      1. 1 or 2
      2. Dock levellers
      3. Loading doors
    3. IT Operations
      1. Bridge
      2. Operations
      3. Stores
      4. Build
      5. Offices
      6. War room
    4. Engineering Rooms
      1. Operations
      2. Workshop
      3. Stores
    5. Facilities
      1. Cleaning
      2. Stores
      3. Rest areas
      4. Offices
      5. Meeting Rooms
      6. Toilets
      7. Waste / bins
        1. Compactor
    6. Plant
      1. Approx 2 times tech space
    7. Total Space
      1. Day 1
      2. Final