1. By Jonathan Brill / Quora, Retrieved on December 4, 2015. The Time
  2. 1. Subject
    1. Employees of Apple
    2. Belief in their products
  3. 2. Belief in the company
    1. Feel obligated to pitch or share
    2. Not bought in
    3. inauthentic and lame
    4. Consequences for people
      1. Won't believe in the company too
  4. 3. Other companies
    1. Easy to market to their employees
      1. Zealots
  5. 4. Arrival of Steve Jobs
    1. How to re-market Apple ?
      1. Campaign in 1997
  6. 9. Formula of Steve Jobs
    1. Dialogue with employees
      1. Tell how you feel
      2. Why you feel thay way
      3. Include employees to plan of action
  7. 8. How to do it ?
    1. Transparency
      1. Express opinions
      2. Be open-minded
  8. 7. Support of employees
    1. Nobility of the mission
    2. Good products
    3. How great working for the company
    4. If not
      1. Company or product certainly not good
    5. Ideal employee
  9. 6. Market to your employees in a negative way
    1. Try to impress employees
    2. Make seem better than reality
  10. 5. Interview of John Lilly
    1. Difficult time at Apple
    2. Entreprise value less than cash on hand
    3. Acquired by the Sun (rumors)
    4. "If you want to make Apple great again, let's get going"