1. By Matt Straz, Retrieved on December 30, 2015. Entrepreneur
  2. 1. Subject
    1. Concentration at work
    2. Holidays period
      1. Actions 1
      2. Actions 2
      3. Actions 3
  3. 2. Employees
    1. distracted from work
      1. Family time
      2. Party time
      3. Work = not a waiting game
  4. 3. New goals
    1. Feelings of employees
      1. Hard work of the year
        1. done
      2. Waiting for new goals
  5. 4. How ?
    1. See the employees
      1. What achievements
      2. Need to be done
      3. Before new year
        1. More engaged
        2. Focused
  6. 8. Conclusion
    1. End of the year
      1. Not an unproductive time
      2. Help employees
        1. Track goals
  7. 7. Track progress
    1. Technology
      1. Register perfomance
    2. Use right software
      1. Monitor projects
    3. Manage employees own goals
      1. Measure progress
  8. 6. Recognition of daily achievements
    1. Team breakfasts, Bonuses
    2. Little appreciation of everyday work
    3. Showing gratitude
    4. Example
      1. Handwritten "thank you" notes
    5. Only at the end of the year
    6. Human workplace
  9. 5. Focus small stuff
    1. Begin small steps
    2. If not -> overwhelmed
    3. Temptation of pushing back
      1. Big projects for next year
    4. Timeline
      1. Keep on track
        1. More motivation and progress
    5. Achieve new goals