1. What is a Mind Map?
- Visual Form of Note Taking
- Helps to stop thinking linearly
- Great starting point for almost anything
2. How do Mind Maps work?
- Good replacement for outlines
- Great for Brainstorming
- Helps organise thoughts
- Provides a readable summary
- Visual Guide
- Visual Summary
3. Basic Xmind Commands
- Branch on same level
- Add a Subtopic
- Delete a Branch
4. How to Create a Mind Map
- Type Main Topic in the Centre
- Don't edit on first pass
- Everything evolves around central topic or theme
- Choose a theme that suits you
- Develop your own style
Branch Out
- Ideas
- Action Points
- Strategies
- Can be reorganised later
5. Example Applications
- Note Taking
- Planning Presentations
- Summaries
- Weekly Planner
- Speeches
- Brainstorming
- Self Development
6. Key Points
- Use a colourful template
- Develop your own style
- Don't Edit while brainstorming
- Don't worry about being perfect
- Branch out from Central Topic
- Add images if you want to