Person Identification
- EfficientDet
- Yolov5
- Retina Net
- Crowd Human
Deep Person Re-identification
- Strong ReID baseline
- ResNet50
- Market 1501
- Peta
Person Tracking
- Deep SORT
Face Detection
- RetinaFace
- MobileNet 0.25
Face Re-identification
- ArcFace
Age and Gender Prediction
- efficientnet_b0
Face mask detection
use key points from RetinaFace
- we can compare the color in the area of the eyes and in the corners of the mouth, if they are approximately the same, then there is no mask
Search for abandoned items
dynamic background subtraction SubtractorMOG2
- We do not take person into account in the background, we remove them using the person detector
- Additionally, we remove all small objects using morphology
Smoke/ fire detection
- ResNet50 classifier into three classes - normal / fire / smoke
Divide the image into ~ 10 sections and run the classifier on them
- if at least one fire / smoke is detected for several frames, then we give an alarm
Sabotage detection
- We dynamically remember the ORB descriptors of the image, if they have changed a lot, it means there was camera sabotage