1. Ask for Help
    1. In your own Testing Network
    2. Work Colleagues
    3. Build your KenAshraya
      1. Ken = Knowledge
      2. Ashraya = Support
      3. Support for knowledge
    4. Follow Testing Communities & their handles On
      1. Social Media
        1. LinkedIn
        2. Twitter
        3. Facebook
        4. Instagram
      2. Community Chat Groups
      3. Good Testing Handles
        1. ATA
        2. TTT
        3. MOT
        4. TTC
        5. Synapse QA
  2. Do Something Else
    1. Change Focus for some time
    2. Free your mind from the blocked state
    3. Have some Disposable Time
      1. Do activities like:
        1. Doodling
        2. Playing Games
        3. Watching Television, etc.
  3. Change the Source
    1. Try other resources / explore new sources
      1. Amazing Channels - YouTube
        1. Agile Testing Alliance
          1. STeP-IN Forum
        2. The Test Tribe
          1. Agile Testing Days
          2. The Test Chat
        3. Association for Software Testing
          1. EvilTester - Software Testing
        4. EuroSTAR Testing Conference
          1. Test Masters Academy
      2. More Learning Resources available in Ultimate Productivity Toolkit
    2. Know atleast 3 different sources for the same resource
  4. Go Back to Basics
    1. Start Fresh
    2. Refresh Basics
      1. bit.ly/QERoadmap
      2. https://github.com/testleaf-software/roadmap.testleaf.in
    3. Try simpler tasks on the same topic
  5. Build Step by Step
    1. Iterate & Improve
      1. Prefer Evolution over Revolution
    2. Don't try to get right at the first time
      1. Embrace the bootstrap approach
    3. Make incremental stage wise progress
  6. Learn from Experts
    1. Know them
      1. https://www.testingcircus.com/testers-in-twitter/
    2. Know how to approach them
      1. TIP: Your first message should NOT be asking for help.
    3. Invest in learnings from the experts
      1. Workshops
      2. Conferences
      3. Tutorials
      4. Mentorship
    4. Utilize the expertise of those who have gone through the pain themselves.
      1. Learn from their context
      2. Learn from their experience
  7. Observe the Patterns
    1. Notice every detail
    2. Identify patterns
    3. Learn to connect dots
    4. Cross domain patterns can be helpful sometimes:
      1. Testing and Ideas can be learned from other fields too.
      2. Critical Thinking Games
      3. Investigative Series
      4. Crime Series
  8. Use the Right Tools
    1. Know the right tools for the context
    2. Know atleast 3 tools for every context
    3. Try out tools before you need to use them
    4. 350+ Tools available in Ultimate Productivity Toolkit
  9. Motivate yourself
    1. What you say to yourself matters
    2. FAIL = First Attempt In Learning
    3. Failure is NOT a failure if you learn from it.
    4. You never FAIL, Either you WIN or you LEARN!
  10. Take a BREAK
    1. Sleep
    2. Do nothing
    3. Rest / Relax
    4. Break the blocked state (Defocus)