1. help wanted
  2. Making people like you
    1. remember to
      1. smile
      2. use person's
        1. name
          1. often
      3. listen well
        1. encouraging people to speak first often
    2. become
      1. genuinely
        1. interested
          1. in people
    3. always
      1. make people feel
        1. important
      2. talk about people's
        1. interests
  3. Winning people
    1. over
      1. always
        1. allow
        2. get
        3. throw down challenge
        4. appeal
          1. to noble motives
        5. people
          1. feel
          2. ideas
          3. suggestions
          4. are
          5. theirs
          6. saying
          7. yes!
          8. immediately
          9. yes!
          10. by asking questions
    2. begin
      1. in friendly way
      2. seeing from peoples point of view
      3. admitting wrong
        1. quickly
        2. emphatically
      4. dramatizing your ideas
    3. avoid
      1. arguments
      2. talking negatively
        1. when person absent
      3. saying "your wrong" to people
    4. show
      1. respect
      2. sympathy
    5. for people's
      1. opinions
      2. ideas
      3. desires
  4. Becoming a leader
    1. always
      1. always give people a fine reputation to live to up to
      2. use
        1. encouragement
      3. always praise slightest/every improvement
    2. make people
      1. make people happy to do as you ask
      2. make people faults seem easy to correct
    3. avoid
      1. giving direct orders
    4. consistently
      1. ask questions when delegating
      2. begin
        1. calling attention to people's mistakes indirectly
        2. with
          1. praise
          2. honest appreciation
      3. allow people to save face
      4. talk about personal mistakes first
        1. before criticizing other
  5. How to handle people
    1. don't
      1. complain
      2. criticize
      3. condemn
    2. arouse in people an eager want
    3. give
      1. honest
      2. sincere
      3. appreciation