1. Table-Based Layout
    1. Set the width in each cell, not the table
      1. Use px
      2. Avoid %
    2. Padding
      1. <table cellpadding="20px"></table>
      2. <td style="padding:20px;"
      3. Choose one method; Don't combine or mix
    3. Err towards nesting tables
    4. Use a container table for body background colors
    5. Avoid whitespace between tags <td></td>
  2. CSS and Font Formatting
    1. Always Inline CSS
    2. Avoid CSS Shorthand; Declare each attribute
      1. p { font: bold 1em/1.2em georgia, times, serif; }
      2. p { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; font-family: georgia, times, serif; }
    3. Links
      1. Specify Color & Wrap Link Text in <span></span>
        1. <a href="http://site.com/" style="color: #6666;"> <span style="color: #666666;">This is a Link</span> </a>
    4. Font >= 13px
  3. Images
    1. Avoid Spacer Images
    2. Include the Dimensions of the Image
    3. Avoid PNGs
    4. Provide fallback colors for background images
    5. Don't forget alt="alt-text"
    6. Outlook.com Hack
      1. img { display: block; }
    7. Don't use floats
      1. <img src="image.jpg" align="right">
  4. Mobile
    1. Keep Total Width < 600 pixels
      1. 480
      2. 360
      3. 320
      4. Typical viewport sizes
    2. Be aware of Automatic Text Resizing
      1. Problem? -webkit-text-resize-adjust: none;