1. mariana
  2. Elemento flotante
  3. Elemento flotante
  4. micro nutrients
    1. vitamins
      1. 0kcal/g
      2. Compounds that are essential for normal physiologic processes in the body
      3. vitamins were late discovered because they thought the diseases from vitamin deficiency where by bacterial infection
      4. water soluble
        1. b1
          1. Thiamin
          2. deficiency = beriberi (alcoholics)
        2. b2
          1. Riboflavin
        3. b3
          1. Niacin
          2. deficiency=pellegra (prisoners)
        4. b5
          1. Pantothenic Acid
        5. b6
          1. Pyridoxine
        6. b7
          1. Biotin
        7. b9
          1. Folate
          2. deficiency= spina bifida (new borns)
        8. b12
          1. Cobalamin
        9. C
          1. L-ascorbic acid
          2. deficiency=scurvy (sailors)
          3. Toxicity= kidney stones
      5. fat soluble
        1. A
          1. Retinol
          2. deficiency= night blindness eye problems
          3. toxicity=blurred vision, liver abnormalities, skin disorders, join pain, bone fractures,birth defects
        2. D
          1. D2
          2. plants and yeast (ergocalciferol)
          3. deficiency= bowed legs (bones)
          4. toxicity=hypercalcemia or high blood calcium levels can lead to the calcification of soft tissues.
          5. D3
          6. animals (cholecalciferol)
        3. E
          1. alfa, beta, gamma, delta
          2. deficiency = neurological problems
          3. toxicity=decreased blood coagulation, hemorrhagic stroke
        4. K
          1. phylloquinone
          2. found in Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus
          3. menaquinone
          4. synthesized by bacteria in the colon comprises ~10% of absorbed vitamin K every day. Also found in small amounts in animal products
          5. menadione
          6. synthetic
    2. minerals
      1. 0kcal/g
      2. Elements that are essential for normal physiologic processes in the body.
  5. macronutrients
    1. carbohydrate
      1. simple
        1. monosaccharids
          1. glucose
          2. product of photosintesis mayor source of energy
          3. fructose
          4. fruits
          5. galactose
          6. not found in nature, found in disaccharide lactose
        2. disaccharids
          1. sucrose
          2. table sugar: glucose+fructose
          3. found in plants
          4. maltose
          5. malt sugar: glucose+glucose
          6. found in foods, alcoholic beverages, barley
          7. lactose
          8. milk sugar: galactose+glucose
          9. found in milk sugar
          10. betabond= needs enzyme lactase to break ir= lactose intoleranse
      2. 4kcal/g
      3. complex
        1. oligosaccharids
          1. raffinose
          2. stachyose
          3. found in : legums, onions, broccoli, wholewheat, cabbage
          4. not digested lack of enzymes to digest alfa-1,6 glycosidic bond= flatulence
        2. polysaccharids
          1. starch
          2. amylose
          3. amylopectine
          4. plant storage form of glucose
          5. glycogen
          6. storage form of glucose in animals
          7. most fibers
          8. beta-glucan
          9. gums
          10. pectin
          11. hemicellulose
          12. cellulose
          13. fernented, viscous soluble fiber
          14. believed to decrease blood cholesterol and sugar levels, thus also lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes, respectively
          15. non fermentable non viscous non soluble fiber
          16. believed to decrease the risk of constipation and colon cancer
      4. sugar alcohols
        1. sorbitol
        2. manitol
        3. xylitol
    2. protein
      1. 4kcal/g
        1. function
          1. structural
          2. ie: collagen.important for structure of tissues
          3. enzymes
          4. enhaces chemical reactions
          5. hormones
          6. Subtema 1
          7. fluid balance
          8. acid base balance (ph balance)
          9. (hemoglobin transports oxygen
          10. immune functions (antibodies)
          11. neurotransmitters
        2. types of aminoacids
          1. essential
          2. 9 essential aminoacids
          3. cannot be sunthesized by body
          4. must be consume to obtain
          5. conditionally essencial
          6. certain conditions body doesnt produce it. Need to be consume
          7. non essencial
          8. produce in body
        3. protein quality
          1. complete protein
          2. provide adequate amount of 9 essential aminoacids
          3. ie: meat, eggs, milk, fish
          4. incomplete protein
          5. missing at least one of the 9 essential aminoacids
          6. fruits & vegetables (except soy)
          7. complementary proteins
          8. supply missin aminoacids in the other protein
          9. ie: penut butter and jelly sandwich/ red beans and rice/hummus and pita
        4. measures of protein quality
          1. biological value (BV)
          2. grams nitrogen retain/grams absorbed
          3. protein efficiency ratio (PER)
          4. grams of weight gained/grams of protein consumed
          5. chemical or aminoacid score (AAS)
          6. protein digestibility corrected aminoacid score (PDCAAS)
          7. aminoacid score x digestability
          8. nitrogen balance
          9. equilibrium
          10. intake=output
          11. no chance normal state in adults
          12. positive nitrogen balance
          13. intake>output
          14. increase in body protein production
          15. periods of growth, tissue repair or pregnancy
          16. negative nitrogen balance
          17. intake<output
          18. associated with malnourishment and or overtraining
        5. protein energy malnutrition
          1. kwashiorkor
          2. childhood protein-energy malnutrition characterized by edema, irritability, anorexia, ulcerating dermatoses, and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates. Insufficient protein consumption, but with sufficient calorie intake, distinguishes it from marasmus
          3. marasmo
          4. inadequate intake of protein and calories and is characterized by emaciation
          5. emaciation is defined as extreme weight loss and thinness due to a loss of subcutaneous fat
          6. marasmus-kwashiorkor
    3. lipids
      1. 9kcal/g
    4. water
      1. 0kcal/g
  6. Resources
  7. metabolism
    1. Assigned
      1. Action 1
      2. Action 2
      3. Action 3
        1. Action 3a
        2. Action 3b
      4. Assign markers to track progress. Move to "Completed Actions" when done.
    2. Unassigned
      1. Action 4
  8. malnutriction