Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity
Type I - IgE-mediated
First Exposure
- 1. Host responds to an antigen
- 2. First response produces IgE
3. IgE binds to mast cells in body tissues
- Mast Cells
- GI cells
- Skin cells
- Respiratory Tract
- Mast Cell Function
- Mediate healing
- Mediate inflammatory response
- 4. The bond is at Fc and it is permanently attached
- 5. Mast cells become coated with IgE
- 6. Sufficient number of mast cells coated = host is sensitized
Second Exposure
- 1. Mast cells are stimulated to degenerate
- 2. Mast cells release cell mediators (i.e. histamines)
- 3. Histamines initiate inflammatory response in the host tissue
Atopic Individuals
- 1. Genetically predisposed for allergies
- 2. Produce more IgE when stimulated than the gen. pop.
- 3. Their mast cells have more Fc sites
Type II - Tissue Specific
Mechanisms by which Type II can affect cells
- 1. Cell destruction by antibody or complement
- 2. Destruction through phagocytosis
- 3. Destroyed by toxic products from neutrophils
- 4. cell mediated cytotoxicity
- 5. Causes cell to malfunction
Type III - Immune complex-mediated
Mechanism of function
- 1. Antibody binds to soluble antigens
- 2. Moves into the tissue through blood transport
- 3. Complement is released
- 4. Chemotaxis for neutrophils
- 5. Neutrophils attempt to ingest the immune complex but complex is attached to tissue
- 6. Tissue damage ensues
Examples of Type III
1. Serum Sickness (Reynaud's)
- 1. Precipitation of immune complex in blood
- 2. Occurs when temperature is cold
- 3. Decreases blood flow to fingers and toes
2. Arthus
- 1. Occurs after repeated exposure
- 2. Form immune complexes in walls of blood vessels
- 3. Results - inflammatory response
Type IV - Cell-mediated
Method of Destruction
- 1. T lymphcytes attack cells directly
2. The attackers are either
- Cytotoxic cells
- kill cells directly
- Cytokine producing T cells
- Th cells - recruit and activate phagocytic cells
1. Response to poison ivy
- a.k.a contact dermititis
- 2. Response to metals
- 3. Graft rejection (i.e. TB skin test)
- 4. Rheumatoid arthritis
Antigenic Targets of Hypersensitivity
- Allergy
- Autoimmunity
- Alloimmunity