1. low HCl in stomach
    1. >30 y.o.
    2. poor protein digestion
      1. B12
  2. Etiology
    1. caffeine
    2. sugar
    3. refined foods
    4. alcohol
    5. chronic overeating
    6. drugs
    7. emotional stress
    8. diet changes
      1. meat <-> vegetarian
  3. Signs and Sxs
    1. Food sits and doesn't digest
    2. protein sensitive
    3. diarrhea/constipation
    4. bloating/gas/fullness
      1. <eating
    5. heartburn
    6. joint and muscle aches
  4. Labs
    1. measure pH
      1. Heidelberg or string test
    2. Chem Screen
      1. high
      2. N
      3. Cl
    3. Hair analysis
      1. low in minerals
        1. thin nails, nervousness, insomnia