1. Cynefin Model
    1. Simple
      1. Obvious Cause & Effect
        1. Sense-Categorize-Respond
      2. Complicated
        1. Analyze Cause & Effect
        2. Sense-Analyze -Respond
    2. Complex
      1. Retrospect Cause and Effect
      2. Probe-Sense-Respond
    3. Chaotic
      1. No relation with Cause & Effect
        1. Act-Sense-Respond
    4. Disorder
      1. Panic
        1. Revert to there own comfort Zone
  2. Relations to Program Design and Support Systems
    1. Adventurous Journey of Exploration
    2. Common Patterns of Disturbance (AKA Lifeways)
    3. Design & Manage Program Pathways
    4. Evidence of Unlearning and Progression
    5. Shape Pathway towards Unlearning- Open to Opportunities
    6. Who is Available to Provide-Support-Assist, at what Cost?
  3. Simple/Complex Paradox
    1. Simple Design System (chicken tractor)
      1. Fully known- Predictable
    2. Complex Design (Unpredictable situation)
      1. Weather, land slope, water movent
    3. 3 Simple Systems
      1. Open Simple Systems-Complex Designers on the Go