1. The comparative
    1. Using – er +than and more + than
  2. The superlative
    1. Using the + –est and the + most
  3. Discribes a noun
  4. Of time
  5. Personla
    1. Alternative word for a noun (person or thing)
  6. Possessive
    1. Replace nouns and show ownership
  7. Demonstratives
    1. Used to point specific person or thing
  8. Reflections
    1. word that refers to the objet being spoken
  9. Animal, place, thing, idea, person
  10. Are use to give more information about verb, adjetive or other adverb
  11. Of location
  12. We used to talk about :day/month/year/date/time and weather
  13. Speaker and listener have the same noun in mind