1. Introduction
    1. This is a HUGE topic but let's see what we can do! ;vP
    2. Interactive vs Lecture my goal is to inspire personal solutions
    3. This is all based on "my" Experience, books, & learned principles
    4. Ecc. 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might. There is work, device, knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you go.
    5. Things we'll need before we start...
      1. 1st think you'll need to do is Define your "in basket" - task list - email inbox - paper (memos, notes etc)
      2. 2nd - remember the complexity personality types! also leadership styles and bosses personalities
      3. 3rd - understand what causes you the most stress (i.e. Mary and I as an example: event driven vs carved-in-stone sched)
      4. 4th - that God assembles us in 'Teams' - consider His purpose for those you find in your life, even now!
  2. Who Are You!?
    1. Know Yourself
      1. Why do you react as you do?
      2. Don't be like like a mountain climber without gear!
    2. What are your Strengths & Weaknesses
      1. - do you know? Make a list!
      2. - can you admit your weaknesses?
      3. - are you sure about your strengths
    3. How do you know or find out?
      1. Personality Analysis - on-line http://similarminds.com
      2. Ask Co-workers / Boss
      3. Ask Family & Friends
      4. written materials like: Birkman - Jung - Myers-Briggs
      5. consultants
      6. Other Ideas?
    4. Understand clearly what is expected of you
  3. Stress Points
    1. Long out-of-control ToDo Lists
    2. Constant Interruptions
    3. Unending "in basket"
    4. Huge Projects - never completed
    5. Scattered concentration
    6. too much planning and no action
    7. miscommunication and unknown expectations
    8. other ideas?
  4. Basic Principles
    1. Setting goals
    2. Being Organized
    3. Take Action
      1. too much talking and planning makes it difficult to actually "pickup the shovel" and dig in!
      2. Perfectionism must be balanced with get'r-done-ness
      3. do quick tasks right away, file other immediately (handle once)
    4. Staying Focused
      1. Grouping like tasks:
        1. Interruptive
        2. quick and easy
        3. meetings
        4. brainstorming/analysis
        5. administrative
        6. social
      2. Sheduling project time
      3. be careful of the time wasters (see below)!
      4. Other ideas?
    5. Good Communication
      1. Clear project specs = efficient work
      2. Unnecessary communications are a waste of time!
      3. mis-communication causes a BIG wasted time
      4. Do you have to have the last word?
    6. Time Wasters :v(
      1. Checking out new stuff
      2. researching ALL the options
      3. too much perfectionism or planning
      4. do a time waster audit
        1. determine what consumes most of your time - be honest!
        2. remove or change those things in order to free up time
      5. I need to be strategic about when I check my email (my "in-basket") some days
    7. Review, regular review!!!
      1. None of this will work without it!
      2. How can you get anywhere without looking at the destination?!
      3. life 'happens' - you will have to adjust to keep up!
      4. This is rewarding when you see things being completed - not just added!
      5. Celebrate achievements!
    8. Real Practical Stuff ;v)
      1. Don't do an install on Thursday or Friday!
      2. Don't install anything without good testing first!
      3. Don't install a project unless you know you'll have the time to do it right
      4. Know when to turn the quick-and-dirty jobs into projects
      5. Handle "in-basket" items once - the 2nd time is when you action them
      6. Keep "immediate" task lists short
    9. Other Comments?
  5. Goal Setting (Briefly)
    1. Why do we need them?!
    2. Analogy of someone hiking to a village
    3. Five main events in setting goals
      1. 1) Pick your top 3 only (like ToDo's, don't have too many)
      2. 2) Review current state - know where your at
      3. 3) identify possible obstacles
      4. 4) Adjust priorities
      5. 5) Commitments & Accountability
    4. Don't get caught in an elaborate system!
  6. Team Work (Briefly)
    1. As a Leader
      1. Delegate, but don`t Micro-Manage
      2. Be Real - Admit mistakes
      3. Think about Leaders you admire & why
      4. Give recognition & celebrate workers accomplishments
      5. Different rewards in seeing projects completed by the teams, vs front-line work
      6. Give a right job or task to the right person
    2. As a Member
      1. Know yourself and others personality characteristics
      2. Be non-competitive - other than for fun!
      3. Don`t avoid confrontation, but do it in love
      4. Leave your reputation with the Lord
      5. Do your part only, and don`t try to be the Leader
      6. Humble & Real
  7. Useful Tools and Ideas
    1. ToDo/Task Lists
      1. Simple, Quick, Accessible
      2. Categories or priorities
        1. Not more than 10 "Immediate" - 3 daily
        2. "In-queue" List
        3. "Ma-yanna" - someday
      3. The "date due" and "priority" problems
      4. Daily actions
      5. collaborative list?
      6. Other Ideas?
    2. Time logging
      1. can be helpful for self evail
      2. temporary only - too time consuming!!
    3. Journaling?
    4. Time accounting
    5. Use lo-tech penNpaper to record tasks and goals
    6. As a final meeting agenda item, decide on next steps or an action plan
    7. Always respond to requests as soon as possible - even if it is just to say it's no on your radar
    8. Whatever tools you find, Be sure they are VERY light overhead or they'll consume time!
    9. Holidays and Breaks
    10. (Live Demo of how I use Gmail/Gcal/Gtasks?)
    11. Other Tools?
  8. Stress Relievers - Solutions!
    1. Realistic Task Lists, Calendar & Goals breed a Sense of AccompIishment and Visible Deliverables
    2. Regular reviews, Status checks, Adjustments and House Cleaning of tasks/Cal/Goals
    3. Evaluate inbox/event-driven items and know when to action or queue them
    4. Concentrated vs Scattered work habits
    5. Delegation without micro management
    6. Tools used should have minimal interference
    7. Let's talk holidays and breaks!
    8. Trusted systems mean less stress and more time but they do require feeding or they die!
    9. Others solutions anyone?
    10. Don't forget to ask the One above all else, for wisdom in knowing how to manage tasks and your time!