1. Computers
    1. Security
      1. Malware
        1. Virus
        2. Worm
          1. ILOVEYOU
        3. Trojan
      2. Biometric technologies
      3. OS patchs
      4. Anti Virus
    2. Database
  2. Electronics
    1. Electronic switches
      1. Binary
        1. binary/boolean logic
          1. binary number
          2. binary digit
          3. bit
          4. analogue representation
          5. discrete quantities
          6. digital representation of analogue
      2. First Gen computers
        1. Valves
        2. Colossus
        3. Heat production
        4. valves
        5. General purpose
        6. Unreliable
        7. Complicated/time consuming
        8. ENIAC
        9. Very expensive, half dozen in the world
      3. Secound gen computers
        1. Transistors
        2. Minicomputers
        3. Mainframes
          1. IBM 608
      4. Third gen computers
        1. Intergrated Circuit
        2. Terminals
        3. Floppy disks
      5. Fourth generation computers
        1. Microprocessors
        2. Personal computer
          1. Hardware components
          2. random-access memory (RAM)
          3. motherboard
          4. peripheral devices
          5. moniter
          6. printer
          7. keyboard
          8. Storage
          9. Hard drive
          10. cd/dvd drive
          11. CPU
          12. Applications
          13. Word processor
          14. Spreadsheet
          15. Killer app
          16. GUI
        3. Workstations
          1. Multi user
        4. Supercomputer
          1. Military
          2. Research
          3. Modelling weather
          4. Business
          5. Payroll
        5. Embedded computers
          1. micro controllers/computers
          2. washing machine
          3. car
        6. web servers
        7. ubiquitous computing
          1. First wave
          2. Secound wave
          3. Third wave
          4. calm technology
        8. Cloud computing
          1. Benefits
          2. Less infrastructure
          3. No routers, modems, servers etc.
          4. Support by someone else
          5. Dynamic storage space
          6. Pay for what you use, upgrade instantly if required
          7. Minimal hardware requirement
          8. Quick to setup, no service packs etc.
          9. Easily accessable anywhere there is an Internet connection.
          10. Easy to share work or projects between employees and possibly 3rd party companies
          11. Drawbacks
          12. Lose of access due to network outage
          13. Loss of control
          14. Loss of control to hosts.
          15. Storage affected by national laws of storage operator
          16. Content could be stored anywhere at anytime according to providers desires
          17. Dependant on providers security protocols and infrastructure
          18. May not be legal
          19. Often requires repeat payment (subscription service)
        9. utility computing
      6. turing test
      7. power
        1. amps
        2. volts
        3. watts
    2. Moores law
      1. logarithmic scale
      2. logarithmic
      3. Exponential growth
        1. exponential notation
        2. power
  3. Networks
    1. Network society
      1. Internet
        1. World Wide Web
          1. Community
          2. Instant messaging
          3. Online discussion groups
          4. Forums
          5. Netiquette
          6. Emoticons
          7. Moderator
          8. Caps = SHOUTING
          9. Social Networking
        2. Portals
          1. Alta Vista
          2. Google
          3. Web crawler
        3. Entertainment
          1. Media online
          2. Copyright
          3. DRM
          4. Sopa/Acta
          5. Public domain
          6. napster
          7. internet tv
          8. iplayer
          9. netflix
          10. torrent
          11. youtube
          12. the guild
          13. mmorpg
          14. world of warcraft
          15. first person shooter
          16. BF3
          17. America's army
        4. Email
          1. Spam
          2. Phishing
          3. Nigerian Hoax
        5. finance
          1. online retail
          2. amazon
          3. ebooks
          4. self publishing
          5. ebay
          6. paypal
          7. encryption of financial transactions
          8. cyber squatting
        6. language
          1. googled
          2. noob
          3. viral
      2. Finance
        1. ATM
    2. ISP
    3. Router
      1. Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
    4. base station
      1. mobile switching center
      2. cell
    5. Mobile phone network
      1. handset
      2. base station
        1. mobile switching center
        2. cell
    6. handset
    7. Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
    8. packet-switched network
      1. Data packets
        1. architecture
          1. header
          2. IP address
        2. payload
    9. Data packets
      1. architecture
        1. header
          1. IP address
      2. payload
    10. Circuit switched network
      1. public switched telephone network (PSTN)
    11. public switched telephone network (PSTN)
    12. Firewalls
    13. Domain name system (DNS)
      1. Domain name server
        1. DDOS
        2. Take down requests
        3. p2p DNS
    14. Broadband
      1. network interface card (NIC)
    15. IP6
    16. TCP/IP
      1. Transmission Control Protocol
        1. Establishing a connection
          1. three-way handshake.
        2. Two-way data
        3. Lost packets
        4. Closing down
      2. Internet Protocol (IP)
    17. IP4
    18. Internet
      1. encapsulation
      2. Standards
        1. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
          1. Requests for Comments (RFCs)
      3. narrowband
      4. IP4
      5. TCP/IP
        1. Transmission Control Protocol
          1. Establishing a connection
          2. three-way handshake.
          3. Two-way data
          4. Lost packets
          5. Closing down
        2. Internet Protocol (IP)
      6. IP6
      7. Broadband
        1. network interface card (NIC)
      8. Domain name system (DNS)
        1. Domain name server
          1. DDOS
          2. Take down requests
          3. p2p DNS
      9. Firewalls
    19. Protocol
    20. LAN
      1. Network address translation (NAT)
    21. Gateway
  4. Telephony
    1. SMS
    2. skype