1. The Effect of Internship Quality Toward Self-Perceived Employability Through the Mediation of Reduced Career- Entry Worries: Evidence from Final Year Students of Universitas Indonesia
    1. https://www.proquest.com/central/docview/2857144675/fulltextPDF/7FFF5086CAA04580PQ/6?accountid=147680
      1. positive influence on self-perceived employability
      2. reduced career-entry worries
  2. Business students’ perspectives on employability skills post internship experience: Lessons from the UAE
    1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/HESWBL-12-2017-0102/full/html
      1. Skills communication, teamwork, time management
        1. Communiction
        2. Teamwork
        3. Time management
      2. Lack of awareness in
        1. Critical thinking
        2. self-management
        3. intercultural skills
        4. taking initiave
  3. Internship and employability prospects: assessing student’s work readiness
    1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/HESWBL-08-2018-0086/full/html
      1. work readiness
        1. They understand employer expectations.
        2. They apply academic, high-order, and professional skills effectively.
        3. They value intrinsic rewards over extrinsic ones.