1. Trait, major psychodynamic, social-psychological, and self theories
    1. Myers Briggs Type Indicator , Myers 1962
      1. used for race discrimination of employment--Griggs v. Duke Power Co
    2. Trait Theories
      1. Allport Trait Theory 1937
        1. Traits = personality constructs
        2. Dispositional
        3. 18k>4.5K traits Allport & Odber 1936
        4. Letters From Jenny 1965
          1. a thinly veiled account of his mother’s letters to his wife and himself spanning more than a decade, summarises “Jenny’s” personal traits
        5. Ascendance-Submission Reaction Study 1928
          1. Idiographic research= focus on individuals and uniqueness rather than general laws
          2. Nomothetic research= study of universal personality characteristics
          3. Extraversion=Major&Common personality traits
          4. Especially important for Eysenck’s 1968
        6. Proprium- self part of trait theory
      2. Mischel 1968- traits & behavior correlations rarely exceed 0.30= low
        1. Bem and Allen 1974
          1. agreeableness , but not in conscientiousness . only when low variability in their behaviour
        2. Eddy & Sinnett 1973
          1. etroverts spent more time in parks and lobbies
    3. Motive Based Personality theorists
      1. Adler 1927
      2. Freud 1926
      3. Jung 1961
      4. Murray 1938
        1. Produced most comprehensive list of motives
        2. Followers examine specific motives
        3. Murray's Thematic Apperception Test - TAT - 1935
          1. males with high achievement motive score= choose careers & that supply reg feedback
      5. Cattell 1943
        1. Produced rival Motives list to Murray 1938
        2. Cattell blurred distinctions between Motives, Traits and Intelligence
          1. Dynamic Traits = Unconscious Motives
          2. Temperament Traits = Conscious Personality Traits
          3. Ability Traits = Intelligence
    4. Psychodynamic Theories
      1. Psychodynamic concepts
        1. Motive-the concept
          1. effects individuals behaviour over certain situation & points in time
          2. Motives are unconsciously experiences
        2. Personality problems start in early childhood
        3. these problems repeat in later adulthood
        4. Personality= result of early relationships & unconscious fantasy
      2. Freud 1900-Psychoanalytic theory
        1. unpleasant truths=hidden by defense mechanisms
        2. wishes- beliefs- fears- conflicts & memories = drive us
        3. 3 primary motives= sex, aggression & anxiety reduction
          1. 2 motives= Eros=life instinct-(sex motive) & Thanatos= death instinct (aggression motive)
          2. Neo Freudians - restored Anxiety as a major concept
        4. Oedipus & Elektra complex's
        5. Id- Ego & Super Ego
        6. 3 Models of mind
          1. Topographical model
          2. Mental content located at the following levels
          3. Conscious
          4. Preconscious
          5. Unconscious
          6. Freud- most of peronality lies here
          7. control behaviour thru unconscious- tho its natures precludes controlling it
          8. Structural model
          9. Id
          10. Ego
          11. Super Ego
          12. Genetic (developmental) model
          13. distinct stages- organised around sexuality
          14. Oral
          15. Anal
          16. Urethral
          17. Phallic
          18. Genital
        7. Libido- psychic energy arising within the Id
        8. Empirical Support
          1. Silverman et al 1976- support for unconscious motives conflicts determining behaviour
          2. Silvermans results not replicated- eg Allen & Condon 1982 + Heilbrun 1982
          3. Freud didnt do empirical research
          4. Homosexuality=Psychopathology?
          5. Rejected assumption by APA 1974
          6. Silvermans research 1976
        9. Critisism
          1. Too much emphasis on sexuality
          2. Not much focus on Social compared to Biological
          3. sexist + heterosexist
          4. too much emphasis on mental illness
          5. Hard to Prove & Disprove
        10. Contributions
          1. first to draw attention on - Unconscious
          2. first to draw attention on - Internal
          3. Freud= most inflential Psychologists overall
          4. Almost all personality theories stem in some way from Freud
      3. Jung 1921- Analytical Psychology
        1. once Freuds heir- disagreed on many aspects of psychoanalytic theory
        2. Freud over emphasised sexuality & failed to see constructive aspects of unconscious
        3. 'The Total Personality'
          1. Ego - personal conscious & its complexes
          2. collective unconscious & its archetypes
          3. inherited from ancestors--humna/prehuman
          4. Persona/collective conscious= anima & animus shadow
          5. Intro/extra-version
          6. Functions of= thinking- feeling- sensing & intuiting
          7. The Self = center of whole personality
        4. Freud stresses the infantile origins of personality whereas Jung emphasized the racial origins of personality
        5. Similar to Freud- emphasis on similarities not differences
        6. predomance of personality structure explains individual differences in personality
        7. 2nd most infulential theory- especially on trait theorists
          1. intro/extraversion in all factor-analytical personality theories
      4. Adler 1923- Individual Psychology
        1. critisises Freud and Jung for over emphasising biological,- not attention on social
        2. innate potential for relating to others
        3. social interest= survival thru cooperation
        4. Birth Order
          1. 1st = conformist and individually oriented
          2. middle = best-adjusted of all children
          3. APA 1984- Middle child= juvenile delinquency & adult criminality high
          4. Last = relatively non-conformist and interpersonally oriented
        5. Overcompensation
        6. Striving for Superiority
        7. Lifestyle Typology
        8. Helped establish psy as social science- but not v.influential
    5. 2nd tier psychodynamic
      1. Sullivan 1953
        1. Interpersonal week 4
      2. Wiggins
      3. Fromm
      4. Leary
  2. Murray's Personology Theory
  3. Identity, humanistic/existential, factor-analytic trait, cognitive/behavioural, and personal construct theories
    1. Factor-Analytic trait theories
      1. Factor anlaysis an extremely useful tool in assessing the internal validity of psychological scales –as a means toward identifying the major personality traits.
      2. Cattell 1943
        1. Cattell simplifies trait universe by finding basic structure relied on factor analysis- thus correlation coefficients
        2. 4.5K List of traits >semantically similar clusters of synonyms > paired semantic opposites= 160 >+ more from litrature >choose representative term = 171 terms
          1. 100 ppl rated others on 171 terms> corelations identifed within terms=60 terms
          2. > cattells analysis and scrunty of terms & literature =35 terms
          3. > Factor analysis of rating data (L-Data) from more ppls ratings of personality produced 12 terms + 4 from additional studies
          4. = 16 personality (trait) factors
        3. Cattell 16 Personality Factor Inventory--16PF (1970)
          1. 1st survey of personality traits based on Allports trait theory
          2. Temperament (personality) traits =(15)
          3. Ability trait = 1 (Intellengence)
          4. Critisms
          5. The 16PF not as widely --or in as controversial a manner --as the MBTI.
          6. -ve--Cattell’s attempt to include intelligence as a personality trait insistence on maintaining a large number of correlated trait dimensions disdain for certain tests of reliability.
          7. factor rotations done by hand= mistakes- However Cattell insisted on using 7/9 to 16(23 for abnormal)
        4. personality traits are manifestations of chronically experienced emotions
      3. Eysenck 1967
        1. The 'Big Two'---Originally proposed all major personality traits could be captures by 2- Neurotiticism & extraversion dimensions
        2. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ 1967
          1. Extraversion link to ARAS
          2. Neurotiicism link to Autonomic Nervous System - ANS
          3. Gray 1981-response
        3. Eysenck Personality Inventory EPI 1976
          1. Psychoticism = 3 constructs
          2. Conscientiousness.... following ones intentions
          3. Openess....explore other perspectives
          4. Agreeableness...friendly towards others
        4. Critisms
          1. Cattells Critism
          2. cattell and eysenck differ in factor analysis/rotation methodology
          3. Eysenck = Orthogonal method
          4. Cattell = Oblique method
          5. Cattell used Factor analysis in an exploratory way to discover personality [raits
          6. Eysenck used factor analysis to test previously formulated hypotheses about likely personality traits
          7. too few factors
          8. Psychoticism = ill-defined +mislabled?
        5. Contributions
          1. popularising research on extraversion and neuroticism
          2. encouraged interest in Jung's analytical psy
        6. Seen as Cattell & Eysenck have 2 diff conceptualisations of personality one must be wrong?
          1. E- a few factors preferred C- detailed analysis
      4. Costa & McCrae 1985
        1. the "Big Five" personallity traits--OCEAN
          1. Most influential studies using Cattells trait rating scales
          2. in both studies--subjects split into small groups- and rated others on bipolar personality trait scales--factor analysed to produce the Big 5
          3. Tubes & Christal 1961
          4. Norman 1963
          5. cattell has too many factors because he used unreliable scales
          6. B5 found in childrens & older adults ratings
          7. Costa & McCrae 1985- BIG5 popular revision
          8. NEO-PI- 1985 = measure of the Big5
          9. originally only 3- additional work uncovered 2 more
          10. Critisisms
          11. too few factors
          12. western based, but can be generalised universally
          13. contributions
          14. A good compromise between Cattell and Eysenck
          15. accomodates by most if not all personality trait theories
          16. Openness
          17. open to experience as revealed by their artistic and intellectual interests, their creativity and imagination, the liberal, untraditional values, independence and impracticalness.
          18. Conscientiousness
          19. Extraversion
          20. Agreeability
          21. Neuroticism
      5. Intergration Big 5 & Interpersonal trait perspectives
        1. Wiggins 1979
          1. (circular) Circumplex Model of Interpersonal Traits
          2. not originally interested in explaining all of personality
          3. Intrest in explaining traits reflected in behaviour to others
          4. Replicated Learys interpersonal trait axes of Dominance and Nurturance
          5. Expanded IASR-B5 to include Big5
        2. Abridged Big Five Dimensional Circumplex (AB5C) measures Big Five & interpersonal traits simultaneously
        3. Keys to intergration
          1. Big5 Extraversion = Interpersonal High Dominance & Nurturance
          2. Big5 Agreeableness= low Dominance & High Nurturance
        4. Costa & McCrae moved to Bio perspectives/ Wiggins maintained Social perspectives
      6. Factor Analytic Criticism
        1. Allport 1937
          1. Most Factor-Analytic trait theorist= clinical not academic research
          2. the factors in these theories have no true relations to actual individuals, they misrepresent reality
          3. critisisms based on allports background
          4. --critisism come from idiographic work---work on individuals
          5. rather than what hes famous for -Nomothetic work--work on large groups
          6. dispite a reduction in Allport & Odbers -1936 traits- it has Increased popularity of Allports trait theory
      7. Interpersonal theories
  4. Special Topics in Individual Differences
    1. Intelligence
  5. Behaviourism wk11