1. Levels
    1. My Europe?
    2. My city?
    3. My neighborhood?
  2. Ask citizens
    1. Families
    2. Education
    3. Jobs and talent
    4. Experiences
      1. CUlture
      2. Hobies
      3. Sports
    5. Nature
    6. Safety
  3. Create a symbol of the community
  4. Co-working spaces
    1. Open platforms for innovation
    2. Experiment
  5. Smart Specialisation
    1. Beyond building roads and bridges
    2. 276 separate R&D&i policies
    3. Challenges
      1. 276 regions
      2. One H2020 programme
      3. Private sector R&D&i?
    4. Lines
      1. Look at what you have
        1. From what to do to how to do
        2. What is in your territory
        3. What is entrepeneurial potential
        4. What is the innovation strategy
      2. Go beyond industrial sector
      3. Activities
      4. Knowledge
      5. What makes the economy of the region
        1. CUtlrue of political compormises
        2. Us against the others
        3. Incentive structures
      6. Look outward
    5. Territorial patterns that emerge
  6. Models
    1. Institutional innovation
      1. THey are part of the system
      2. Co-diesign policy
    2. Quadriple helix
      1. Pubilc authorities and agencies
      2. Universiteis and research centers
      3. Citizens
      4. Industry
    3. Cluster theory?
      1. You are good at locally
    4. Open governance
      1. Involve citizens
      2. People innovating are involved
  7. How can we make it happen
    1. Entrepreneurial discovery
    2. Bottom up alignment
    3. Territorial innovation
      1. Creativity in place
      2. Models of innovation
    4. Innovation capacity
      1. Themselve
      2. Coinnovate
    5. Policy learning through experimentation
    6. Talent and money
    7. Disruption and let it go
  8. Challenges
    1. Understanding incentive structure
    2. Governance and policy are mainly based on the corporate model
      1. Govenrment role as a regulator and producer of public good
      2. Focus on eficiency
    3. Gobernemnt does not have one opinion an done voice
      1. Incentive structures
      2. Us against the others
      3. CUtlrue of political compormises
    4. POlitical timeframe
      1. WHo gets the credit for success
  9. Systemic innovation
    1. Underlying institutional structures
      1. Physical infrastructures
      2. Virtual infrastructures
      3. Products
      4. Services
      5. Institutional intertia
    2. Renewal of the current underlying structures
    3. Society specific
      1. Practices
      2. Behavioural models
      3. Structures
    4. Innovation processes
      1. Simultaneously
      2. Parllel
  10. Experimentation
    1. Focus
      1. Real life challenges
      2. Real life problems
    2. Engagement and leadership of problem owners
      1. SUpport of the targeted community
      2. Extend innovation to the whole society
    3. Learning built into
      1. Innovation processes
      2. Early engagement
      3. Potential future adopters
      4. Learning by doing
        1. Scale up experiments
        2. Bring future adopters
        3. Learn how it happens
    4. In depth understanding
      1. Challenges
      2. Society especifici
      3. Certain things cannot be just copied
    5. Framework conditions
    6. Stronger integration
    7. Bottom up experimentation: voluntary action
    8. Involvement of problem woners and users
    9. Facilitate experimentation
      1. Open space
        1. Structures built on top
          1. Technology transfers at HE
        2. Old fashioned structures remain
      2. Time beyond existing
        1. Practices
        2. Institutional structures
    10. Change agents
      1. Start ups
      2. Spin offs
      3. Social enterprises
      4. Public sector entrepreneurship