1. Guilt
    1. post purchase
    2. when reflect on what bought often feel guilty for buying it
    3. spending money dont actually have
    4. didnt actually need it
  2. Emotional state
    1. unhappy - buy something to make feel better. does it make you feel better or now worse for spending money
    2. Happy - so treat yourself but often tend to go overboard end up feeling a bit anxious spending the money didnt really have
    3. A sale can attract someone no matter what emotional state they are in.
    4. How shopping can affect your emotional state: make you unhappy if dont find anything you like make you feel fat or ugly
  3. Trigger words
    1. SALE buy one get one free x% off discounted
    2. these words are often really big in red and white attractive eye catching not many people can walk past a sale of a store they like
  4. Rational reasoning
    1. dont often stand there and weigh up options
    2. People are irrational when it comes to purchasing power
    3. if do go away to think about it, often dont actually go back to buy it
  5. mental listing
    1. people often create a mental list of what they want to buy or what they are looking for. But rarely follow because can get sucked in by other things.
    2. would people stick with intent if wrote it down?
  6. Goals
    1. Come out with something different to what they originally wanted
    1. Last chance to interrupt
  8. They dont like seeing or recognising how much money they have spent
    1. Bank statements
  9. Do people spend less or more money when dealing with cash rather than Eftpos?
  10. Savings?
    1. Students have a savings but more often than not have nothing in that account for a 'rainy' day
    2. Most students constantly live in overdraft - from atleast one bank if not more
  11. Little things ad up
    1. how can make this stand out?
  12. Fashion is a huge statement of social status and individuality
  13. Increasingly defined by what you have in material possessions
  14. The retail environment is pursuasive - the experience of going shopping
    1. People in a different mind state when going shopping
  15. "ill sort it out later" attitude towards money and spending
    1. dont mind being in debt
    2. Budgets and sorting money matters make students cringe
    3. They openly discuss about how broke they are to anyone - figure ' all in the same boat'
    4. Have a leisurely attitude towards paying bills and debts
    5. What are the ramifications of this attitude??
  16. Something in sharing stories
    1. how you got sucked in
    2. what you got on sale
    3. sharing with friends
  17. being the 'best' bargain hunter everyone has a friend that always seems to get the best deals
  18. A common attitude: Prefer to spend money on going out with friends, looking good and having fun - typical student lifestyle
    1. people they meet can generally see what they spend their money on
  19. Topic