1. Development
    1. Meets basic requirements
      1. Basic requirements have been identified
      2. Development has been completed on all basic requirements
    2. Basic Documentation Produced
      1. Product feature outline
      2. Rough Product usage document
      3. Development provides technical beta requirements document
    3. Full QA process is completed
      1. QA plans have been generated
      2. Full QA Testing has been complete
    4. All known bugs are clear
      1. QA has signed off that product is stable and meets basic requirements.
    5. Begin Handoff to Support
    6. Development responds to support and beta issues
  2. Support Handoff
    1. Development Demos features to support
    2. Basic Documentation provided to support by development
    3. Support familiarized with product through use and testing
      1. Support tests software
      2. Support signs off that product is stable and meets basic requirements
    4. Support reviews and updates Product feature outline for sales
    5. Support reviews and updates beta requirements document
    6. Support generates list of desired beta customers
    7. Support generates final training and documentation
    8. Begin Beta Process
    9. Support manages beta process
      1. Support handles install / setup of beta customers
      2. Support trains beta customers
      3. Support works with beta customers to resolve issues
  3. Sales Handoff
    1. Support provides sales updated product feature outline.
    2. Support provides sales with updated beta requirements document
    3. Sales contacts Beta Customers
  4. Customer Beta
    1. Beta customers have been identified
    2. Beta requirements
      1. Sales reviews and updates beta requirements document
      2. Development, Support, and Sales verify and agree on beta requirements
    3. Beta Process Begins
  5. Other considerations
    1. 3rd party support and issue escalation
      1. Get Support contact #
      2. Get Training contact #
    2. Support includes third part process in support plan
  6. Move to external Launch
    1. ALL above considerations have been met
    2. Development and QA are satisfied with product, support, and beta customer processes
    3. Support staff satisfied with product, support, and beta customer processes
    4. Product Planning agrees to move to external release.