1. Internal medicine
    1. Endocrinology
      1. book
        1. Research
          1. Science Times Articles
          2. Stanley Miller dies at 77-Origin of Life
          3. Origins of Life linked to volcanoes
          4. Genetics Glossary
          5. Language Gene traced to Emergence of Humans
          6. Scientists find gene has multitude of meanings
          7. FDA Halts 27 Gene theray trials
          8. Selection Spurred Recent Evolution
          9. Redifining disease, Genes and all
          10. Genetics
          11. Is Evolution Truly Random?
          12. Nobel prize in Literature
          13. Men I should learn from
          14. Stephen J. Gould
          15. Archive
          16. E.O. Wilson
          17. Noble Prizes
          18. Scientific Articles
          19. MIT webcasts
          20. Biology course
          21. Biology course2
          22. Berkley webcasts
          23. Biology course
          24. Biology course2
          25. Molecular cell biology
          26. Nutrition and toxicology
          27. Anthropology course
          28. Epidemiology
          29. Behavior and evolution
          30. Stanford webcasts
          31. Darwin
        2. Structure
      2. Clinical Endocrinology
        1. Intermediary Metabolism
          1. Porphyrias
          2. Hemochromatosis
          3. Wilson's disease
          4. Carbohydrate metabolism
          5. Lipoprotein metabolism
          6. Lysosomal Storage Disease
          7. Protein metabolism
          8. Purine and Pyramidine metabolism
          9. Membrane Transport Defects
          10. Connective Tissue disorders
        2. Bone and Mineral Metabolism
          1. Parathyroid and hyper-hypo-calcemia
          2. Osteoporosis
          3. bone dysplasia
          4. Paget's disease
        3. Basic Science
        4. Pathology
          1. Anterior Pituitary and Hypothalamus
          2. Posterior Pituitary
          3. Thyroid gland
          4. Adrenal Gland
          5. Diabetes Melitus
          6. Hypoglycemia
          7. Reproductive system
          8. Male Reproductive system
          9. Female reproductive system
          10. Disorders of sexual differentiation
          11. Menopause
          12. Endocrine Tumors
          13. Multiple endocrine disorders
          14. Tumors of GI tract
          15. Tumors of Pancreas
          16. Pheochromocytoma
        5. Sexual signs and symptoms
          1. Virilization
          2. Fertility control
          3. dysfunction
    2. Cardiology
      1. Embryology
      2. Anatomy
      3. Signs and Symptoms
      4. Investigations
        1. EKG
        2. Echo
        3. Catheterization
      5. Pharmacology
      6. Pathology and Treatment
        1. Malformations
          1. Congenital Heart Disease of Adulthood
          2. ASD
          3. VSD
          4. Tetralogy of Fallot
        2. Infections
        3. Inflammations
        4. Vascular
          1. Atherosclerosis
          2. Ischemia
          3. Stable Angina
          4. Prinzmetal's Angina
          5. Infarction
          6. Unstable Angina
          7. NONSTEMI
          8. STEMI
          9. Coronary Revascularization
          10. Hypertension
          11. Aortic Disease
          12. Vasculopathies
        5. Neoplasia
      7. Functional Disorders
        1. Arhythmia
          1. Bradyarhythmia
          2. Tachyarhythmia
        2. Heart Failure
        3. Cor Pulmonale
        4. Valvulopathy
          1. MR
          2. TR
          3. TS
          4. MS
          5. PS
          6. PR
          7. AS
          8. AR
        5. Pulmonary Hypertention
        6. Cardiomyopathy
        7. Cardiac manifestation of systemic disease
        8. Trauma
      8. Critical Care
        1. Shock
          1. Cardiogenic Shock
          2. Septic Shock
          3. Cardiac Arrest
      9. Signs and symptoms
        1. Dyspnea
        2. Cough
        3. Hemoptysis
        4. Cyanosis
        5. Edema
    3. Gastroenterology
      1. Signs and Symptoms
        1. Gastrointestinal
          1. Dysphagia
          2. Nausea, Vomiting, Indigestion
          3. Diarrhea, Constipation
          4. Wt loss
          5. GI bleeding
          6. Jaundice
          7. Abnormal swelling, ascites
      2. Mouth
        1. Clinical Examination
        2. Embryology
        3. Anatomy
        4. Pathology
      3. Esophagus
        1. Signs and symptoms
        2. Embryology
        3. Anatomy
        4. Pathology
      4. Stomach
        1. Embryology
        2. Anatomy
        3. Investigation
        4. Pathology
      5. Duodenum
      6. Small Intestine
      7. Large Intestine
      8. Sigmoid
      9. Anus
      10. Peritonitis
      11. Anexae
        1. Hepatobiliary system
          1. Embryology
          2. Anatomy
          3. Pathology
          4. Liver
          5. Functional
          6. Hyperbilirubinemia
          7. Infection
          8. Viral Hepatitis
          9. Inflammatory
          10. Alcoholic Liver disease
          11. Chronic hepatitis
          12. Drug induced hepatitis
          13. Degenerative and Genetic
          14. Metaboic disorders of the liver
          15. Transplantation
          16. Gallbladder
          17. Investigation
      12. Investigations
        1. Endoscopy
    4. Respiratory system
      1. Critical Care
        1. Respiratory Failure
        2. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
        3. Mechanical Ventilation
      2. Embryology
      3. Anatomy
      4. Pathology
        1. Asthma
        2. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
        3. Eosinophilic Pneumonitis
        4. Enviornmental Lung Disease
        5. Pneumonia
        6. Bronchiectasis
        7. Cystic Fibrosis
        8. COPD
        9. Interstitial Lung Disease
        10. Pulmonary Thrombembolism
        11. Pleura
        12. Mediastinum
        13. Diaphragm
        14. Chest wall
        15. Sleep Apneea
        16. Transplantation
      5. Investigation
      6. Functional Disturbances
        1. Ventilatory Disorders
      7. Signs and symptoms
        1. Dyspnea
        2. Cough
        3. Hemoptysis
        4. Cyanosis
        5. Edema
    5. Neurology
      1. Critical Care
        1. Coma
      2. Signs and Symptoms
        1. Nervous system
          1. syncope, faintness, dizziness, Vertigo
          2. Motor disorders
          3. Sensitivity disorder
          4. Sleep
          5. Focal cerebral disorders
    6. Psychiatry
    7. Oncology and hematology
      1. Oncology
        1. molecular biology of Cancer
          1. Cancer Genetics
          2. Angiogenesis
        2. Clinical approach
        3. Prevention
        4. Pharmacology
        5. Infections in Cancer patients
        6. Types of Cancer
          1. Skin
          2. Head and Neck
          3. Lung
          4. Breast
          5. GI
          6. Hepatobiliary
          7. Pancreas
          8. Bladder and kidney
          9. Prostate
          10. Testicles
          11. Gynecology
          12. Soft tissue and bone +bone metastasis
          13. Unknown primary site
        7. Paraneoplastic syndromes
        8. Emergency
        9. Late consequence and treatment
      2. Hematology
      3. Signs and symptoms
        1. Anemia signs and symptoms
          1. 1.Glossitis(B12/folate)
          2. 2.Posterior column/lateral column corticospinal tract signs (B12 alone)
          3. 3. exercise intolerance
          4. 4.dyspnea
          5. 5.High outpus failure
          6. 6. koilonychia
        2. Polycythemia
        3. bleeding
        4. thrombosis
        5. lymph and spleen enlargement
        6. granulocytes and monocytes
      4. Pathology
        1. Peripheral blood pictures
          1. 1.Hypersegmented Neutrophil
          2. Causes:
          3. folate/B12 deficiency
          4. 2.microcytic, hypochromic cells
          5. RBC's that have increased pallor can be assumed to be microcytic
          6. Causes:
          7. Iron deficiency
          8. anemia of chronic disease (ACD)
          9. Thalassemia
          10. Sideroblastic Anemia
          11. 3. Sickle cells ( anemia not trait)
          12. 4. Target cells
          13. Causes:
          14. Alcoholic liver disease
          15. hemoglobinopathy
          16. 5.Spherocytes
          17. Def.: No Central Area of Pallor
          18. Causes:
          19. Congenital spherocytosis
          20. ABO hemolytic disease of newborn
          21. 6. Tear drop
          22. Causes:
          23. myelofibrosis
          24. thalassemia
          25. 7.Howel Jolly body
          26. Causes:
          27. Spleen surgically removed
          28. Sysfunctional spleen as in HbS disease
          29. 8.Platelet
          30. small, red, anucleate
          31. 9.Lymphocyte
          32. black dot with thin rim of cytoplasm
          33. 10.Auer rod
          34. myeloblast with immature nucleus and splinter-like structure in cytoplasm
          35. 11.atypical lymphocyte
          36. Def.: big cell with a lot of blue cytoplasm
          37. Causes:
          38. Infectious Mononucleosis
          39. CMV
          40. Toxoplasmosis
          41. viral hepatitis
          42. phenytoin
          43. 12.eosinophil
          44. large, red granules that don't cover the nucleus and are the same color as RBC's
          45. Causes:
          46. type I hypersensitivity
          47. invasive helminthic infections
          48. 13.basophil
          49. Large, purple granules that do cover the nucleus and granules are darker than RBC's
          50. Causes: myeloproliferative diseases
          51. 14.rouleau
          52. Are simply RBC's with stack of coins effect: see increased sedimentation rate
          53. 15.schistocytes
          54. are fragmented RBC's seen in:
          55. microangiopathic hemolytic anemias:
          56. TTP
          57. HUS
          58. DIC
          59. 16.reticulocyte
          60. Special supravital stain: thin filaments represent RNA
          61. Are increased in:
          62. hemolytic anemias
          63. 5-7d after blood loss
          64. Iron deficienty after treatment
          65. B12/folate deficiency
          66. 17.Heinz bodies
          67. special stain: large blue inclusions with RBC membranes
          68. seen in G6PD deficiency
          69. 18.coarse basophilic stipling
          70. routine stain sees ribosomes
          71. seen in Lead poisoning
          72. Blood
          73. Smear
          74. Leukemias
          75. CML
          76. CLL
          77. Acute Leukemia
        2. Bone marrow pictures
          1. 1.megaloblastic marrow
          2. all cells appear big due to large, immature nuclei ( giant band neutrophils)
          3. Cause: B12/folate deficiency
          4. 2.myelofibrosis
          5. marrow is composed of fibrous tissue ( large cells are megakaryocytes)
          6. 3.aplastic anemia
          7. empty marrow with fat and islands of lymphocytes
          8. 4.multiple myeloma
          9. plasmablasts with bright blue cytoplasm, eccentric Nuclei, perinuclear halo
          10. 5.ringed sideroblast
          11. Prussian blue stain for iron: ring of blue around the nucleus of normoblast
          12. Indicate a defect in heme synthesis:
          13. Sideroblastic anemias due to Alcohol, pyridoxine, Lead poisoning
          14. Pathology
          15. Bone Marrow
          16. Follicular Lymphoma
          17. Follicular Lymphoma.2
          18. Erythroid hyperplasia
          19. Adenocarcinoma metastatic to bone
          20. Adenocarcinoma metastatic to bone
          21. Chronic Idiopathic myelofibrosis
          22. Blood
          23. CML
          24. CLL
          25. Acute Leukemia
      5. Hematology
        1. myeloproliferative disease
          1. polycythemia vera
        2. hematopoietic transplantation
        3. RBC's
          1. Anemia
          2. Anemia signs and symptoms
          3. 1.Glossitis(B12/folate)
          4. 2.Posterior column/lateral column corticospinal tract signs (B12 alone)
          5. 3. exercise intolerance
          6. 4.dyspnea
          7. 5.High outpus failure
          8. 6. koilonychia
          9. Classification of Anemia by MCV
          10. Microcytic MCV<80
          11. Iron deficiency
          12. Sideroblastic Anemia
          13. Alcoholics, B6 deficiency, Pb poisoning, preleukemia syndromes
          14. Lead poisoning
          15. Anemia of Chronic Disease
          16. Thallasemia
          17. Normocytic MCV 80-100
          18. Corrected reticulocyte under 2%
          19. Acute blood loss
          20. Acute iron deficiency
          21. Anemia of chronic disease
          22. Renal disease
          23. Corrected reticulocyte more than 3%
          24. Intrinsic hemolytic anemia = something wrong with RBC ( structure, biochem)
          25. Membrane defects
          26. Congenital spherocytosis or elliptocytosis
          27. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
          28. Abnormal hemoglobins
          29. Sickle cell
          30. Deficient enzymes
          31. G6PD
          32. Pyruvate kinase deficiency
          33. Extrinsic hemolytic anemia ( RBC is normal)
          34. Autoimmune hemolytic anemias
          35. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
          36. blood loss for more than a week
          37. Macrocytic MCV>100
          38. Folate deficiency=MC
          39. B12 deficiency
          40. 1.hypoproliferative anemias
          41. 2.Ineffective erythropoiesis anemias
          42. 3. hemolytic/blood loss anemia
          43. hemoglobinopathies
          44. megaloblastic
          45. myelodysplastic, aplastic, bone marrow failure
          46. Hemostasis
          47. platelet and vessel wall disorders
          48. coagulation and thrombosis
          49. antiplatelet, anticoagulant, fibrinolytic therapy
          50. Erythrocytosis
        4. WBC's
          1. lymphoid cell cancer
          2. Lymphomas
          3. Leukemia
          4. myeloid
          5. acute
          6. chronic
          7. Subtopic 2
          8. plasma cell disorders
      6. Hematopathology
    8. Rheumatology
    9. Infectious Disease
      1. Basic Science
        1. Immunization and Travel
      2. The Acutely Ill Febrile Patient
      3. Community Acquired
        1. Infective Endocarditis
        2. Osteomyelitis
        3. Intraabdominal infections
        4. Diarrheal disease and bacterial food poisoning
        5. Sexually Transmitted disease
        6. Clostridium dificile associated
      4. Nosocomial Infections
        1. Hospital infections
        2. Transplant patient
      5. Bacteria
        1. prophylaxis and treatment
        2. Gm+
        3. Gm-
        4. Nocardia
        5. Actinomycosis
        6. Mixed anaerobic
        7. Mycobacteria
          1. Pharmacology
          2. Tuberculosis
          3. Leprosy (Hansen's disease)
          4. Non-tuberculous
      6. Spirochetes
        1. Treponema
        2. Leptospira
        3. Relapsing Fever
        4. Borelia
      7. Chlamydia
      8. Ricketsiae
      9. mycoplasma
      10. Viruses
        1. Basic Science
        2. DNA viruses
          1. Herpes Simplex
          2. Varicella Zoster
          3. Epstein Barr
          4. Cytomegalovirus
          5. Herpesvirus 6,7,8
          6. Poxvirus
          7. Molluscum contagiosum
          8. smallpox
          9. Other
          10. Parvovirus
          11. Papillomavirus
        3. DNA/RNA respiratory viruses
          1. SARS
          2. Influenza
          3. Other common viruses
        4. RNA viruses
          1. Retrovirus
          2. HIV
          3. AIDS
          4. OTHER
          5. viral gastroenteritis
          6. enteroviruses and Reoviruses
          7. Rubeola = Measles
          8. Rubella=german measles
          9. Mumps
          10. Rhabdovirus
          11. Rabies
          12. Other
          13. Arthropod/Rodent-Borne
          14. Marbug viruses and Ebol
      11. Fungi
        1. Diagnosis
        2. Pharmacology
        3. Histoplasmosis
        4. Coccidiomycosis
        5. Blastomycosis
        6. Cryptomycosis
        7. Candidiasis
        8. Aspergillosis
        9. Mucormycosis
        10. Pneumocystitis
      12. Protozoa
        1. Amebiasis
        2. RBC parasites
          1. Malaria
          2. Babesiosis
          3. Other
        3. Leishmanias
        4. Trypanosomiasis
        5. Taxoplasmosis
        6. Trichomoniasis
        7. Intestinal protozoa
      13. Helminths
        1. Nematodes
          1. Tissue
          2. Trichinella
          3. Intestinal
        2. Cestodes
        3. Trematodes
          1. Schistosomiasis
    10. Genetics
      1. Basic Science
      2. Chromosome disorders
      3. clinical genetics
    11. Nutrition
      1. Overdosing and Toxicology
        1. Heavy metal poisoning
        2. Drug overdose
        3. Reptile bites
        4. Arthropod bites
        5. ectoparasite infestation
      2. Diatary assessment
      3. vitamins
      4. trace elements
      5. malnutrition
      6. obesity
      7. eating disorders
      8. enteral and parenteral nutrition
    12. Critical care
    13. Kidney and Urinary tract
      1. Signs and Symptoms
        1. Renal and Urinary tract
          1. Acidosis and Alkalosis
          2. Fluid and Electrolyte
          3. Azotemia
          4. Urinary abnormalities
      2. Embryology
      3. Anatomy
      4. Pathology
        1. Acute Renal Failure
        2. Chronic Renal Failure
        3. Transplantation
        4. Glomerular Disease
        5. Tubular Disorders
        6. Tubulointerstitial disease
        7. Vascular injury
        8. Nephrolithiasis
        9. Urinary tract infections
        10. Urinary tract obstruction
    14. Immune system
      1. Basic Science
      2. Primary Immune Deficiencies
      3. Immune-mediated injury
        1. Allergy
        2. Autoimmunity
          1. SLE
          2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
          3. Rheumatic Fever
          4. Systemic Sclerosis
          5. Sjogren syndrome
          6. Spondyloarthritides
          7. Vasculitis
          8. Bechet syndrome
          9. Relapsing polichondritis
          10. Sarcoidosis
          11. Amyloidosis
      4. Connective tissues
        1. signs and Symptoms
        2. Osteoarthritis
        3. Gout and Crystal Arthropaties
        4. Infectious Arthritis
        5. Arthritis associated with systemic diseases
          1. Fibromyalgia
        6. Periarticular Disorders
    15. Dermatology
      1. Signs and symptoms
        1. approach
        2. Eczema
        3. Psoriasis
        4. infections
        5. manifestations of internal disease
        6. immunologically mediated disorders of skin
        7. cutaneous drug reactions
        8. photosensitivity
    16. Ophthalmology