1. Network
    1. CISCO
    2. Mikrotik
    3. Linux Networking
      1. Router/Firewall Distros
      2. Virt-manager
      3. HAProxy
      4. iptables/ipchains (v6)
      5. netfilter
      6. Proxy
        1. Squid
        2. Apache Traffic Server
        3. nginx
      7. iproute/iproute2
      8. ipfwadm
      9. route
      10. ROUTING
        1. quagga
        2. GNU zebra
        3. Bird Internet routing daemon
    4. Windows Networking
      1. DHCP
      2. DNS
    5. TroubleShooting
      1. WINDOWS
        1. Ping
        2. Tracert
        3. PathPing
        4. arp
        5. route
        6. nbtstat
        7. netsh
        8. WinMTR
        9. WinTrace
      2. Ping
      3. MTR
      4. Traceroute
      5. WinMTR
      6. Nmap
      7. monitoring
        1. Wireshark
          1. tshark
        2. OmniPeek
        3. Cacti
        4. iptraf
        5. pyshaper
        6. L7-filter
        7. iftop
        8. tcptrack
        9. ss
        10. mrtg
        11. Cricket
      8. tcpdump
        1. dchdump
      9. ngrep
      10. mii-tool
        1. ethtool
      11. nload
      12. iftop
      13. arping
      14. nethogs
      15. darkstat
      16. ntop
      17. kismet
      18. Iperf
      19. snmp
      20. flow-tools
      21. ethtool
      22. Management
        1. RANCID
        2. GestióIP
        3. IPplan (iptrack)
        4. NorthStar
        5. Sauron (DNS & DHCP)
    6. Security
      1. Firewall
        1. Windows
          1. Soft
          2. Comodo
          3. Kerio Winroute Firewall
          4. OutPost
          5. Hard or System
          6. ISA
        2. Linux
          1. IPtables
          2. fwbuilder
          3. Vuurmuur
          4. ferm
          5. UFW
          6. EMAIL guard
          7. DansGuardian
          8. mxhero
          9. Scrollout F1
          10. Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server
          11. DSPAM
          12. amavisd-new
          13. Maia-Mailguard
          14. IPset
          15. Packetfence
          16. ModSecurity
          17. Snort
          18. SQUID
          19. Untangle
          20. clearos
          21. Privoxy
          22. SafeSquid
          23. SquidGuard
        3. Hardware
          1. Pix
          2. Fortinet
          3. ASA
          4. MS ISA / Forefront tmg
      2. Encryption
        1. SSL CA
          1. OpenSSL
          2. EJBCA
          3. PHP-CA
          4. xca
        2. VPN
          1. IPsec
          2. OpenVPN
          3. AppleTalk
          4. Hamachi
      3. RADIUS
        1. FreeRADIUS
        2. OpenRADIUS
        3. http://coova.org/
        4. Radiator
        5. WiKID
        6. LinOTP
        7. OpenOTP
      4. Intrusion Detection/Prevention
        1. Snort
          1. BASE
        2. OSSEC
        3. LIDS
        4. Tripwire
        5. PacketFence
        6. SElinux
        7. AppArmor
        8. Bastille UNIX (Bastille Linux)
        9. Suricata
      5. Motion Detection
        1. ZoneMinder
        2. Motion
    7. Router/Firewall
      1. FirmWare
        1. OpenWRT
        2. Tomato
        3. X-WRT
        4. DD-WRT
      2. Mikrotik $
      3. Vyatta
      4. Ideco ICS 3.0
      5. Zeroshell
      6. ClarkConnect Server and Gateway
      7. eBox
      8. Untangle
      9. pfSense
      10. m0n0wall
      11. The Linux Router Project
      12. IPCop
      13. IPFire
      14. SmoothWall
      15. List on wiki
    8. Shapers
      1. The Wonder Shaper
      2. HTB setup script
      3. MasterShaper
      4. The Linux traffic shaper
    9. SDN
      1. OpenFlow protocol
      2. Emulation
        1. Mininet
      3. Controllers
        1. NOX/POX
        2. FlowVisor
        3. FloodLight
        4. Trema
        5. Beacon
        6. RouteFlow
        7. OpenPipes
  2. Collaboration
    1. Lotus Domino
    2. OpenOffice
      1. LibreOffice
    3. WebBased
      1. OpenGoo
      2. Wiki
      3. Zimbra
  3. WEB
    1. Bussiness Apps Types
      1. ERP
        1. Open ERP
        2. Openbravo
      2. CRM
        1. openCRX
        2. vtiger
        3. hipergate
      3. SCM
      4. HRM
      5. POS
      6. ETL
      7. MRP
      8. SOA
      9. CMMS
      10. EAM
      11. TMS
        1. opentodo
        2. RT: Request Tracker
      12. TMS
      13. PMS
        1. Trac
        2. BugZilla
      14. OLAP
      15. BI
      16. BPM/BMS
        1. phpBMS
      17. eCommerce
        1. Magento
        2. OsCommerce
        3. PrestaShop
        4. Digistore
        5. ZenCart
        6. VirtueMart
        7. Avactis
      18. Billing systems
    2. Engines CMS
      1. CMS
        1. Drupal
        2. Joomla
        3. Wordpress
        4. DLE
      2. Gallery
        1. Gallery 2.0
        2. Copermine
      3. Ticketing HelpDesk
        1. OTRS
        2. SupprotSuite $
        3. Complete list of APPS
    3. VideoConference
      1. BigBlueButton
      2. Camfrog
    4. Spreadshits
      1. Simple Spreadsheet
      2. wikiCalc
      3. TrimSpreadsheet
      4. Sheetster Web Spreadsheet
      5. ZK Spreadsheet
      6. phpMyEdit
      7. MySQL Ajax Table Editor
      8. xataface
      9. VFront
      10. DaDaBIK
    5. Groupware
      1. Feng Office
      2. Simple Groupware
    6. Wiki
      1. TWiki
      2. MediaWiki
      3. MindTouch
      4. ScrewTurn
      5. Questions
        1. OSQA
  4. IT Managment
    1. MOF
    2. ITIL
    3. MSF
    4. SLA
  5. System Managment
    1. Sytem
      1. UserControl/Managment
      2. SystemResource Control/Managment
      3. Data
        1. Encryption
          1. TrueCrypt
          2. BestCrypt
          3. DiskCryptor
        2. Data Destroy
          1. Red Button
        3. data Backup
          1. Acronis
          2. Colenezilla
          3. dd
          4. bzip
          5. Symantec Norton Ghost
        4. Recovery
          1. Runtime GetDataBack
      4. Hardware
        1. HDD
          1. Diagnostics
          2. Mhdd
          3. Victoria
        2. Monitoring
          1. lm-sensors
          2. KSim
          3. Lavalys Everest
          4. AIDA64
          5. RealTemp
          6. HWiNFO32
          7. Aspia
          8. GPU-z
          9. CPU-z
        3. tools
          1. Hirens Boot CD
          2. Vortex Admin tools
          3. Microscope CD
          4. Acronis Rescue CD
          5. Paragon HDD Manager
          6. Live CD
        4. BenchMARK
          1. sysbench
    2. Monitoring and Control
      1. Syslog Server/daemon
      2. WhatsUP
      3. Microsoft Operations Manager
      4. GroundWork Monitor
      5. OpenNMS
      6. Ganglia
      7. mon
      8. Big Brother
      9. Osmius
      10. utils
        1. sar/ksar
      11. Spacewalk
      12. Server Stats
        1. AWStats
        2. Webalizer
        3. PIWIK
      13. SystemDeploy
        1. FOG Project
      14. Management
        1. Webmin
          1. Usermin
          2. Virtualmin
        2. Ajenti
        3. Sauron (DNS & DHCP)
      15. Provisioning/ ConfMgmt
        1. Puppet
        2. Cheff
        3. ControlTier
        4. Spacewalk
        5. CFEngine
        6. Bcfg2
        7. Salt
      16. Monitor
        1. Nagios
          1. NagiosQL
          2. NagTrap
          3. Nagvis
          4. PNP4Nagios
        2. Icinga
        3. Zabbix
        4. Monit
        5. munin
        6. Zenoss
        7. Hyperic-HQ
        8. collectd
        9. MRTG
        10. Logs
          1. Graylog2
          2. LogAnalyzer
    3. Linux
      1. Tools
        1. SSH
          1. Putty
          2. Putty Tray
          3. Putty Connection Manager
          4. Kitty
        2. VNC
          1. TightVNC
          2. UltraVNC
          3. TigerVNC
        3. SVN
          1. Git
        4. Synergy2
        5. Quota
        6. Remote Control mgmt
          1. OpenIPMI
        7. Virtualization
          1. wine
          2. PlayOnLinux
          3. VirtualBox
          4. phpVirtualBox
          5. KVM
          6. KVM over IP
          7. XEN
        8. REPOS
          1. RPM
          2. rpmforge
          3. epel
          4. elrepo
          5. dag wieers
          6. karan centos
          7. RPM Fusion
          8. freshrpm
          9. rpm.livna.org
          10. Remi
          11. rpmrepo.org
          12. http://packages.sw.be/
          13. IUS
          14. DEB
          15. Index Sites
          16. rpm.pbone.net
          17. rpmfind.net
          18. PHP/PERL
          19. CPAN
          20. PEAR
          21. PECL
        9. Hosting Panels
          1. wiki
          2. ISPconfig
          3. Virtualmin
          4. Baifox
          5. DirectAdmin
          6. Domain Technologie Control
          7. ispCP Omega
          8. VHCS
          9. HyperVM
          10. Kloxo
          11. SysCP
          12. Froxlor
    4. Windows
      1. GPO
      2. cacls
    5. Scripting
      1. Linux
        1. Bash
        2. python
        3. perl
        4. php
        5. etc,,,
      2. Windows
        1. cmd .bat
        2. Kix
        3. VBasic
        4. Login Scripts
    6. High Availability
      1. Storage
        1. GlusterFS
      2. Cluster
        1. Linux-HA
          1. Heartbeat
          2. Cluster Glue
          3. Resource Agents
          4. Pacemaker
    7. Security
      1. BackTrack linux
      2. Network Security Toolkit (NST)
      3. AV
        1. Linux
          1. AVG Free
          2. Avira Antivir Professional
          3. BitDefender (+)
          4. Thorough check
          5. ClamAV
          6. Sophos Anti-Virus
          7. ClamTK
          8. Avast
        2. Windows
          1. ...
  6. Certification
    1. Windows
    2. Linux
      1. RedHat
      2. Novell
      3. Comptia Linux+
    3. Networks
      1. Cisco
        1. CCNA
          1. ICND1 CCENT
          2. ICND2
        2. CCNP
        3. CCIE
      2. Comptia Network+
      3. Juniper
    4. IT Managment
      1. ITIL
      2. MOF
    1. Types
      1. Web Server
        1. Linux
          1. FTP
          2. ProFtpd
          3. Gadmin Proftpd
          4. VsFTPd
          5. PureFtpd
          6. WebUI
          7. ByteHoard
          8. HFS HttpFile Server
          9. PHP File Navigator pfn
          10. extplorer (Joomla)
          11. net2ftp
          12. Opendocman
          13. SSLBridge Samba Web Client
          14. AjaXplorer
          15. fileNice
          16. AerFM - php/AJAX based file manager
          17. PHP AJAX File Manager (PAFM)
          18. KFM - Kae's File Manager
          19. bfExplorer (The free PHP file manager)
          20. QuiXplorer
          21. Windows
          22. FileZilla
          23. CerberusFTP
          24. Java
          25. http
          26. Apache
          27. Nginx
          28. Cherokee
          29. Lighttpd
          30. PHP
          31. Ruby
          32. Python
          33. LAMP
          34. Autoinstaller
          35. Fantastico
          36. Softaculous
          37. Installatron Server
          38. DB
          39. Postgre
          40. MysQL
          41. MySqlGuiTools
          42. PhpMyAdmin
          43. DB viewers creators
          44. phpMyEdit
          45. Mysql Ajax Table Editor
          46. PhpCodeGenie
          47. SQuirreL SQL Client
          48. MySQL Navigator
          49. DaDaBIK
          50. Oracle
        2. Windows
          1. IIS
          2. APPS
          3. TopServer
          4. Xampp
          5. BitNami
          6. Mongrel
          7. WEBrick
          8. Ampps
          9. EasyPHP
          10. WampServer
          11. Standalone
          12. Bambalam
          13. Server2Go
          14. FTP/TFTP
          15. FileZilla Server
          16. CerberusFTP
          17. SolarWinds Free TFTP
      2. MailServer
        1. MTA
          1. exim
          2. sendmail
          3. postfix
          4. Dovecot
        2. MUA
          1. dovecot
          2. cyrus
        3. multifunctional
          1. CommuniGate PRO
          2. Kerio MailServer
          3. iRedMail
          4. Zimbra
          5. Jabber XMPP
          6. Openfire
          7. Redfire
        4. Web Control
          1. Squirell
          2. Roundcube
          3. Postfixadmin
      3. Unified Network Platform
        1. Zentyal
        2. SME Server
        3. ClearOS
      4. MediaServers Streaming
        1. FireFly
        2. Fireplay
        3. Subsonic
        4. XBMC
        5. Logitech Media Server
        6. Plex Media Server
        7. RTMP
          1. Red5
          2. RubyIZUMI
          3. Cygnal
          4. rtmplite
      5. FileServer
        1. FreeNAS
        2. OpenAFS (Win,Mac)
        3. Amahi Home Server
        4. SME Server
        5. Samba
        6. OwnCloud
      6. Virtualization
        1. Linux
          1. Citrix
          2. Xen
          3. KVM
          4. VMware
          5. Virtual Iron
          6. OpenVZ
          7. Dklab vzfirewall
          8. ConVirt
        2. Windows
          1. Hyper-V
        3. Paravirtualization
      7. NAS SAN
        1. Openfiler
        2. GFS/2
        3. OpenMediaVault
        4. Greyhole
        5. unRAID Server
        6. GlusterFS
        7. StarWind Free iSCSI (Win)
        8. Sheepdog
      8. Cluster
        1. OpenAIS
        2. Pacemaker
        3. DRBD®
        4. GlusterFS
        5. Perceus
        6. Rocks clusters
      9. Directory Service
        1. Linux
          1. LDAP
        2. Windows
          1. AD
      10. VoIP
        1. Asterisk
        2. Asterisk@Home
        3. Cisco Call Manager $
        4. 3CX Phone System for Windows
        5. AsteriskNOW
        6. Elastix
        7. TrixBox
        8. PABX
          1. Kamailio
          2. Yate
          3. CallWeaver
          4. FreeSWITCH
          5. SIPfoundry SipXecs
      11. DHCP
        1. Windows
        2. Linux
          1. dhcpd
      12. Torrent Tracker
        1. Torrent Downloader
          1. WebUI
      13. NewsServer
      14. DNS
        1. Linux
          1. Bind
          2. MyDNS
          3. MyDNSconfig
          4. AVAHI
        2. Windows
          1. DNS
      15. RAS remote access server/service
      16. NAS network access server/service
    2. Windows Server Types
      1. Windows Server 2000/2003/2008
        1. IIS
      2. Windows Server Update Service
      3. Exchange Server
      4. Windows Home Server
      5. Windows Storage Server
      6. SharePoint Server
        1. Microsoft Commerce Server
        2. Microsoft Forms Server
        3. Microsoft Project Server
        4. Microsoft Communications Server
        5. Microsoft PerformancePoint Server
        6. Microsoft Search Server
        7. Microsoft Reporting Services
      7. Virtual Server
      8. SQL server
      9. BizTalk Server
      10. Groove Server
      11. Hyper-V server
      12. Microsoft Groove Server
      13. Microsoft ForeFront
      14. Microsoft Analysis Services
      15. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration 2004/2006
      16. 3rd Party Servers
        1. hMailServer
        2. XAMPP
        3. WampServer
    1. OpenNebula
    2. OpenStack
    3. CloudStack
    4. Eucalyptus
    5. VMware vCloud™ Director
    6. Azure
    7. Hadoop
      1. Clourdera
    8. Red Hat’s Cloud
    10. Scalr
    11. NiftyName
    12. WSO2 Stratos
    13. OpenMobster
    14. All in 1
      1. Proxmox
      2. OpenQRM
      3. oVirt
      4. ConVirt
      5. Karesansui
    15. GRID / Big Data
      1. NGrid
      2. GridGain
      3. Globus Toolkit
      4. BOINC
      5. GridGain
    16. SaaS / IaaS / PaaS
      1. eyeOS
      2. TioLive
      3. Zoho
      4. RabbitMQ
    17. OS
      1. SmartOS
      2. BitNami
      3. Nimbus
    18. Provision
    19. Clusters
      1. Ganeti
      2. Enomaly
    20. TIO Libre
    21. Management
      1. Virtual Machine Manager
    1. ?????????????????