2. Service Lifecycle
    1. Service Strategy
      1. Service Portfolio Management
        1. Service Portfolio Design
        2. Process Design
        3. Measurement Design
        4. Service Portfolio
          1. Service Pipeline
          2. Service Catalogue
          3. Service operation
          4. Third-party catalogue
          5. Retired services
      2. Demand Management
        1. Business process
        2. Service process
      3. Financial Management
        1. Business case
          1. Introduzione
          2. Metodi e assunzioni
          3. Impatti di Business
          4. Rischi e contingenze
          5. Raccomandazioni
        2. Demand modelling
        3. Service Provisioning Optimisation
        4. Planning and Budgeting
        5. Accounting
        6. Compliance
    2. Service Design
      1. Service Level Management
        1. Progettazione
          1. Service Level Requirement
          2. Service Level Agreement
          3. Operational Level Agreement
          4. Underpinning Contract
          5. Service-based SLA
          6. Customer-based SLA
          7. Multi-level SLA
        2. Monitoraggio delle performance
          1. Customer Satisfaction
          2. Questionari peridiodici
          3. Feedback
          4. Ricerche
          5. Analisi delle aderenze
          6. Service Report
          7. Service Review Meetings
          8. Service Improvement Plan
          9. Dettagli sulle performance
          10. RAG Chart
          11. Revisione
      2. Service Catalogue Management
        1. Business Service Catalogie
        2. Techinical Service Catalogue
      3. Availability Management
        1. Service Avaibility (serviceability)
          1. Maintenability
          2. Mean time to restore MTRS (downtime)
          3. Reliability
          4. Mean time between failures MTBF (uptime)
          5. Mean time between system incidents MTBSI (downtime + uptime)
        2. Component Avaibility
        3. Avaibility Management Information System AMIS
        4. Vital Business function
          1. Requisiti di disponibilità
          2. Avaibility Plan
      4. Capacity Management
        1. Capacity Management Information System CMIS
        2. Capacity Plan
        3. Business capaity management
        4. Service capacity management
        5. Component capacity management
      5. Supplier Management
        1. Internal service provider
        2. Shared services unit
        3. External service provider
        4. Supplier & Contract Database
      6. IT Service Continuity Management
        1. Business continuity plan / Business continuity strategy
      7. Information Security Management
        1. ISO IEC 27000
          1. Control
          2. Plan
          3. Implement
          4. Evaluaion
          5. Maintain
    3. Service Transition
      1. Service Asset and Configuration Management
        1. Configuration model
        2. Configuration Model System CMS
        3. Configuration Item CI
        4. Secure Library & Secure Store
        5. Definitive Media Library DML
        6. Definitive Spare
        7. Configuration baseline vs. Snapshot
        8. Service Asset Configuration Management SACM
          1. Plan
          2. Control
          3. Status accounting and reporting
          4. Verfication & audit
      2. Change Management - REQUEST FOR CHANGE
        1. Raised
        2. Reason
        3. Return
        4. Risks
        5. Resources
        6. Responsible
        7. Relationship
        8. Priorità = impatto + urgenza
        9. (Emergency) Change Advisory Board (E)CAB
        10. Post Implementation Review
          1. Obiettivi
          2. Soddisfazione
          3. Problemi
      3. Release and Deployment Management
        1. release unit and identification
        2. definisce policy di rilascio e distribuzione
        3. early life support
      4. Knowledge Management
        1. Data
        2. Information
        3. Knowledge
        4. Wisdom
        5. Service Knowledge Management System SKMS
    4. Service Operation
      1. Event Management
        1. Informational
        2. Exception
          1. Incedent
          2. Problem
          3. Change
        3. Warning
      2. Incident Management
        1. Timescales
        2. Incident models
        3. Major incidents
          1. Major Incidents Team
        4. Incidente Identification
        5. Incident logging
          1. ID univoco (da comunicare)
          2. Chi ha tracciato, quando
        6. Incident Categorization (multilivello, a cascata)
          1. Service request?
        7. Incident Prioritization
          1. Major Incident?
          2. Impatto
          3. Urgenza
          4. Priorità
        8. Initial Diagnosis
          1. Functional escalation?
          2. Functional escalation 2/3 Level
          3. Known Errors?
          4. Work-around
        9. Investigation & Diagnosis
        10. Resolution and recovery
        11. Incident closure
          1. Categoria corretta?
          2. Soddisfazione
          3. Documentare
      3. Problem Management
        1. Problem model
        2. reattiva
        3. proattiva (di solito CSI)
        4. Known Error
        5. Se Major Problem -> Review
      4. Request Fulfilment
        1. Menu selection
        2. Approvazione finanziaria
        3. Altre approvazioni
      5. Access Management
        1. Richieste di accesso
        2. Verifiche
          1. Identità
          2. Reali diritti
        3. Attua l'assegnazione dei diritti
        4. Monitoraggio dello stato dell'dentità
        5. Tracciamento degli accessi
      6. Service Desk
        1. SPOC Single Point of Contact
        2. Local Service Desk
        3. Centralized Service Desk (telefonico)
        4. Virtual Service Desk
      7. IT Operation Management
        1. IT Operations Control
          1. Operation Bridge
          2. Network operations center
        2. Facilities Management
      8. Techinical Management
      9. Application Management
        1. Financial apps
        2. HR apps
        3. Business apps
    5. Continual Service Improvement
      1. 7 steps Improvement Process
        1. Plan
        2. Do
        3. Check
        4. Act
        5. Business value
        6. Service and process improvement
        7. Baseline
        8. Metriche
        9. 1. Define what measure
        10. 2. Define what can measure
        11. 3. Gather the data (who, how, when)
        12. 4. Process data
        13. 5. Analyse
        14. 6. Present and use information
        15. 7. Implement corrective action
      2. Vision
      3. Baseline assessment
      4. Measurable target
      5. Service & process improvement
      6. Measurement
      7. Service reporting
      8. Service measuring
  3. Good Practice
    1. Efficienza
    2. Efficacia
    3. Pubbliche / proprietarie
      1. COBIT
      2. CoSO
      3. ISO IEC 20000
      4. ISO IEC 27000
      5. ISO IEC 38500
      6. CMMI
      7. MOF
      8. MSF
      9. PMI
      10. PRINCE2
      11. MSP
      12. ASL
      13. TMAP
    1. Business Unit
      1. FUNZIONI
        1. Capacità
          1. Management
          2. Organization
          3. Processes
          4. Knowledge
          5. People
        2. Risorse
          1. People
          2. Information
          3. Application
          4. Infrastructure
          5. Financial capital
    2. RUOLI
      1. CUSTOMER
      2. USER
      5. SUPPLIER
      7. Matrice RA(S)CI(-VS)
        1. Responsabile
        2. Accountable
        3. Consulted
        4. Informed
        5. Supportive
        6. Verifies
        7. Signs off
      1. Valore
        1. Utility
          1. Performance
          2. Rmozione Vincoli
        2. Warranty
          1. Available
          2. Capacity
          3. Continuous
          4. Secure
    1. Identify the risk
    2. Identify probable risk owners
    3. Evaluate the risk
    4. Set acceptable levels
    5. Identify suitable respomse
    6. Implement responses
    7. Gain assurances
    8. embed and review
      1. Cliente
      2. Misura
      3. Trigger
      4. PROCEDURE
    2. INPUT
    4. OUTPUT
      1. Process control