1. Distributed Multitiered Applications
    1. Tiers
      1. Client-tier
      2. Web-tier
      3. Business-tier
      4. Enterprise information system (EIS)-tier
    2. Security
    3. Components
      1. Client
        1. Application clients
        2. Applets
      2. Server
        1. Web-tier
          1. Java Servlet
          2. JavaServer Pages
          3. JavaServer Faces
        2. Business-tier
          1. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
          2. Session beans
          3. Message driven beans
    4. Clients
      1. Web (thin)
        1. Dynamic web pages
        2. Applets
      2. Application (fat)
    5. JavaBeans (are no EE components)
    6. Server communications
      1. Web browser <-> web-tier
      2. Application client <-> business-tier
      3. Web-tier <-> business-tier
  2. Container
    1. Services
      1. Security
      2. Transaction
      3. Lookup (JNDI)
      4. Remote connectivity
    2. Types
      1. Java EE Server
      2. Web container
      3. EJB container
  3. Web Services Support
    1. XML
    2. SOAP Transport Protocol
    3. WSDL Standard Format
    4. UDDI
    5. ebXML
  4. Application Assembly and Deployment
    1. Application (EAR)
      1. META-INF
        1. Deployment descriptors
          1. Java EE
          2. runtime
      2. EJB modules (JAR)
        1. EJB class files
        2. EJB deployment descriptor
      3. Web modules (WAR)
        1. Servlet class files
        2. JSP files
        3. Supporting class files
        4. GIF and HTML files
        5. Web application deployment descriptor
      4. Application client modules (JAR)
        1. Class files
        2. Application client deployment descriptor
      5. Resource adapter modules (RAR)
        1. Java interfaces and classes, native libraries
        2. Documentation
        3. Resource adapter deployment descriptor
  5. Development Roles
    1. Product Provider
    2. Tool Provider
    3. Application Component Provider
      1. Enterprise Bean Developer
      2. Web Component Developer
      3. Application Client Developer
    4. Application Assembler
    5. Application Deployer and Administrator
  6. API's
    1. Enterprise JavaBeans Technology
      1. Java Servlet Technology
      2. JavaServer Pages Technology (JSP)
      3. JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
      4. JavaServer Faces
    2. Java Message Service API (JMS)
    3. Java Transaction API (JTA)
    4. JavaMail API (JavaMail)
    5. JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)
    6. Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
      1. Document Object Model (DOM)
      2. Simple API for XML (SAX)
      3. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
    7. Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
    8. Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
    9. SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
    10. Java API for XML Registries (JAXR)
    11. J2EE Connector Architecture
    12. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
    13. Java persistence API
    14. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
    15. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)