1. I love his picture of the ditto machine. It's an ad.
  2. Extra Stuff
    1. His slides are tweeting.
    2. In Glenbrook South
      1. 225 teachers
      2. Fairly affluent
      3. Try to involve kids in planning -- especially technology
      4. Open
        1. MP3 players
        2. Cell Phones
          1. But you don't see a lot of cell phones
          2. "Everybody I want to talk to iis here."
        3. Wireless devices
          1. Very few devices
          2. "Give is a reason"
  3. Tech has changed
    1. Mac computer $1600 is now as powerful as our iPhone
    2. Only 6 million kis on Webkins
    3. 76 million on Poptropica
    4. Facebook
      1. Is it an appropriate environment for learning?
      2. But they don't want it in schooling. It's their space
  4. Learning Spaces
    1. 65 million dollars from 2009 - 2011
      1. so how are we building those spaces.
    2. Digital experiences enhance what kids are doing -- why not in school
    3. Does there need to be a "front of the room"
    4. Their skills
      1. Digitla Youth Project from Mimi Ito (read it)
        1. Friendship-based activities
        2. Interest-based activiities
      2. Their good at social tech
      3. Not so good even at basic operation concents
        1. File structure
        2. Making video