1. 1968-1980
    1. Born 1968
      1. Subtopic 1
      2. Subtopic 2
      3. Subtopic 3
    2. Montessori Education = Action Learning
    3. Environmental Awareness Awakened
      1. In School
      2. Ranger Rick
    4. Summers in Spain with Relatives
      1. More humble lifestyle
      2. Become avid snorkeler
    5. 1975 Start learning Karate
  2. 1980-1982
    1. Middle School in Spain
      1. introduced to conventional education
    2. Living in Spain = different concept of community
    3. Begin learning Judo
  3. 1982-1985
    1. High School
      1. Very materialistic and individualistic community
    2. Dad prohibits work but won't support me, car crash, defy Dad and get first job
    3. Get first video production job
  4. 1985-1989
    1. College
      1. Intellectually and socially rewarding after high school
    2. Resume karate studies, start teaching, achieve ni-dan
    3. Introduced to Asian religion and spirituality, Alan Watts, etc.
  5. 1990-1991
    1. San Francisco
    2. My year of Corporate life
    3. Continue spirituality studies
    4. Start learning aikido
  6. 1992-1998
    1. Living in DC
    2. Start The Empower Program
    3. Develop numerous teaching and training programs
    4. Teach thousands of hours
    5. 1996 Get married
    6. Train in Shugendo Jitsu, achieve ni-dan
    7. Begin transition back towards production
  7. 1998
    1. Begin working full-time in production
    2. Resume Aikido training
  8. 1998-2004
    1. Work for several excellent production companies
    2. Have two children
    3. Rosalind finally gets a break with Mean Girls - Yay $$!
  9. 2004-2012
    1. Start JME Productions, LLC
    2. Fail at selling anything to the big networks
      1. Subtopic 1
    3. Make dozens and dozens of shorts for many clients
    4. Learn a lot, do a lot
    5. Life in DC gets increasingly difficult for me and children
    6. Left with feeling that work is off course for me
    7. Burn the fuck out! Need to leave this crazy town.
  10. 2012
    1. Move to Boulder - Family concerned but supportive
    2. Begin deliberate exploration of pathway
  11. 2012-2016
    1. Start Working for COCO leads to
      1. Start working for WILD Foundation leads to
      2. Adventure with Walking Water folks leads to
      3. Permaculture Design Course and Vision Fast lead to
      4. Gaia U Program
    2. Dig with Erin Weed leads to
      1. Clearer alignment between career and life
      2. Going to Burning Man
        1. A shift in community
  12. 2016-2019
    1. Gaia University
      1. Complete orientation/ESD certificate
      2. Pre-capstone projects
        1. Develop BEL
        2. Work with IHA
          1. Facilitate C4C
          2. Board visioning/governance
        3. Start and end Cultivaction project
        4. Take Advisor Training
          1. Advising associates
          2. Life & leadership coaching work
          3. Mentor at Watson Institute
        5. Regenerative economy work
    2. Permaculture Projects
      1. Villa remodel
        1. How to apply PC principles to house remodel
      2. BEL
      3. Home Garden