- Network & Connect
- Contacts & working knowledge of public sector econdev intitiatives; existing CI/brand; passion, commitment, self drive, a vision
- local BEE initiatives
- Access to Agrifood Technology Station (ATS); aim to research, design & develop low cost agri infrastructure
- Entrepreneurial Experience; Solid partner & stakeholder Database, part of the Gaia global community
- the need to outsource, cost of production
- need to improve on building USPs
- high cost of land; access to capital, only just starting up
- limited skills & resources, little experience
- still actively searching for a good location
- increase trend toward vegetarianism, desire to buy local, increased awareness of natural farming & food traceability
- Is the perception of your business positive? Aim to build this perception through an open door policy, et al
- positive health trends, sugar tax, research on SA as net importers of xyz; provincial and national drive towards food security & agribusiness/agri-tourism; transformation in the agri sector
- opportunity: ongoing & steadily growing
- existing/potential competitors: small but growing in number (which is welcomed)
- uncertain political landscape; low economic dev; growing income gap & related security risks
- anti-competitive behaviour, price fixing & collusion, lack of knowledge by the marketplace
- Ever increasing supplier prices, local & imported inputs
- Currency stability, government policies (e.g. hot topic now: land expropriation without compensation), policies in favour of large scale monoculture