Michelle Park: Our competence comes from God 2 Cor 3
- "Our competence comes from God."
Main passage: 2 Cor. 3.
Additional Verses: Jer. 31:33-34, Ezekiel 11:18-20.
I was challenged by the question right before chapter 3, where Paul asks "Who is sufficient for these things?"
Many of us feel/have felt inadequate, or lacking the capacity to minister to, love another person. We struggle with being correctly confident, when things get difficult, what it means to rely on God in life and ministry.
But through 2 Cor.3 , we receive that none of us are sufficient/adequate to minister in and of ourselves. Our competence comes from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, of the Spirit which brings life. And to be renewed in what God has done for us in Christ, the new heart we have received, and giving our hearts fully, because of the sufficient hope we have to minister from, through the 'much more' glorious ministry of the Spirit.
Andy: The Kingdom and Mission (with an emphasis on the poor)
- 1. The Kingdom and Mission - this seminar would be about how the Kingdom of God and Mission intersect. That is, what is the Kingdom, where is it? How much is Jesus himself "working" in establishing his Kingdom? What then is our role/participation in that work? Does the phrase that we are "Jesus' hands and feet" in this world make sense? What then is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom expansion through mission?
A second idea is God's mission and the poor. I have been thinking more and more about the disenfranchised and God's heart for the poor, orphans and widows. I do not know what this could look like but my heart has been more stirred as I face the reality of this in this world and in the Scriptures. It is a start :-)
Debra: Be a missionary, a church planter and grow up and into the Heart of God
- In Ecclésia, we have been going through a message series - presenting different people through out history whose lives have been transformed by Christ - like David Yonggi Choi, Martin Luther King, William Wilberforce, Joni Eareackson Tada, Heidi Baker, François d'Assise.
Through their testimonies, I have been blessed as well and I was thinking - along with some of their testimonies, and testimonies of other missionaries, church planters we have met in France, and our own experience - I hope to communicate what are the "essentials" of being a missionary/church planter. Some initial thoughts were:
-That it's about loving God
-That it's the heart and love of God that compels us to go
-That in going, we are committing to changing and growing up
-That it's about learning how to love and becoming more like Christ
-That it's about doing the basics well - like putting faith in God and His Word, obeying, worshiping God, loving one another.
-That it's about searching God, not formulas
Some of the verses that have been on my heart are - -
Psalm 68:5-6
5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
6 God sets the lonely in families, [b]
he leads forth the prisoners with singing;
Nehemiah 8:10
10 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
The heart being that we have been transformed by Christ and we go to be families where God can set the lonely in. And whatever circumstances and difficulties that may come - it can be a way that we can know and become like Christ and that shall be our joy!
Jason: Preaching
- How to preach… how to prepare and deliver a message from the Gospels—
Taking examples from the unique characteristics of each gospel - the Passion narrative in Mark, the parables in Luke, Jesus' discourses in Matthew, the miracles of Jesus in John.
Spiritual dimension of preaching— Pastor as prophet (love and power); prayer and being made available to God; difference between testimony/sharing/teaching/preaching, the Spirit's anointing, following and obeying.
Mechanics— How to pick a passage, discovering the "punch line", creating an outline, using the appropriate tools, choosing illustrations, writing a manuscript, using notes and props, rehearsing a message, communicating effectively, anticipating a response.
Usefulness of preaching in personal devotions, small group Bible study, relational evangelism, prayer meetings, pastoral counseling, power ministry, intercessory prayer.
Gus: Pastoral issues in 1 Cor--the demonstration of Spirit's power in daily life
- "Pastoral issues and principles in the book of 1 Corinthians." The heart for this seminar was to study the Pastoral issues that the 1 Corinthian church had, and how Paul pastorally dealt with them. Therefore, through this study to see the pastoral principles and approach that was taken by Paul as he 'demonstrated the Spirit's power' in the daily life.
Anne: Believing God more than ourselves
- "Believing God More Than Ourselves". The heart for this is to have faith in God for His people and the aspect of pastoring where we can believe and hope for each person that healing/transformation will occur in their lives as "God has power to do what He promised" from Romans 4. In this I wanted to share about receiving - prayers/visions/words - for those that we pastor so it doesn't rest so much on what we see, but how we receive for them from the Spirit.
Cory: Lessons from the belly of a fish
- Title: Lessons from the belly of a fish
The idea is that this would be more of my personal reflections on the book of Jonah and the life lessons I have learned recently about obedience and receiving the heart of God all within the context of the mission. The experience of the fish was brought about by Jonah’s own sin, but its purpose was as an instrument of salvation to bring about repentance, a turning away from sin to a turning towards God, and obedience. Afterwards, he physically goes through the motions of “obeying” God outwardly, but this kind of spirituality is not sufficient. He eventually ends up angry, bitter, depressed, and self-absorbed with his own needs and comforts that he completely misses the heart of God and the joy of ministry. God uses the mission to accomplish His plan of salvation for a people, but also to work on the Christ-likeness (character, heart, obedience, holiness, etc) of His servants. If we are on the mission called by God, then there is no escaping from God and these are the things that he is going to work on. The way that we take the next step while we are on the mission is to walk in outward and inward obedience with God where ministry flows from having received His heart of compassion for others. This is the life lesson we are to learn and to embrace fully on the mission.
Michelle: Hope as an anchor for the soul
- Title: Hope as an anchor for the soul
On the mission, there will be pressures and difficulties. At times we feel as though we reach the end of ourselves, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. At those moments we find it hard to believe and everything seems to be going wrong. Take away hope, and life becomes uninteresting, ungratifying, a burden, and a pain.
However, the Bible talks about hope as an anchor for the soul. In this seminar I was thinking of talking about how reaching the end of ourselves through the various pressures, difficulties, and trials leads to perseverance, which leads to hope, which leads us to overcome, to continue, and to take the next step. And sharing some personal trials we have been through on the mission and how we were able to take the next step in our calling and ministry through God’s hope and power.
Elisa: Touching the Father's heart-a life of intercession
- The seminar topic that has been most on my heart that I was thinking of was in light of how to pastor/care for others, how it stems from cultivating intercessory prayer lives -the call to stand in the gap, the cost, the heart attitude that it entails in prayer and in life and how it is all under (in line with) the Father's heart/care for others.
For this, I was thinking of titling it in some manner as : "Touching the Father's heart: a life of intercession" or "Effective Pastoring = Effective Prayer Lives"
At this point, I am not sure which passages to go through, but will let you know as it were to develop.
Possible reading material for the above could be from the book "Mother Teresa: No Greater Love", the first 2 chapters which are "On Prayer" and "On Love". The reading is very easy reflective reading.
Mark: The role of spiritual gifts in ministry
- Here is my topic on Pastoral Care of people God brings:
"The role of Spiritual Gifts in the context of ministry."
I am thinking to study the passages in Paul's letters on the Spiritual gifts and how it works in the ministry to others towards maturity in the faith. One article that we could read is chapter 14 on "the Spirit and the Charismata" in Fee's "Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God". It's about 15 pages, but quick reading.
Brenda: Shepherding toward transformation
- Knowing that God's purpose for His people is to conform them to the image of His Son, and knowing that it is through the work of the Holy Spirit, by the power of God, that that work is done, to examine the role of the church, the pastor (pastor of this generation), and the individual in the process of transformation. How does it happen? When does it happen? What is our role (and what is not our role)? How can we speed or hinder the process? When the change does happen what is the fruit, joy, etc. that we share in together?
Also, maybe -
What if it is taking longer in their lives than we had hoped? What if it seems that they do not desire or understand their need to be shepherded toward a particular change? How do we continue to shepherd without pushing wrongly? How do we "step back" if needed, without ceasing to hope for and expect the very best things of God to happen in their lives?
Tim: Forgiveness
- The topic that I would like to share on is forgiveness. It is probably more with #2, although I have been spending time looking at it and its missional impact and witness, since its impact is so powerful in us, and so often not fully grasped.
These are four parts:How God's forgiveness transforms us, how forgiveness shapes our relationships and community together, what it means to forgive and receive forgiveness from/to others, and how it directs and redirects our 'mission or reaching out' to others (missional aspects of forgiveness).
Some other points along the way:
1. How the church or our groups/fellowships become 'people and places' where forgiveness is experienced and what that 'truly' means for our lives together.
2. Forgiveness and repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation
3. What it means to really live as forgiven before God, how God/the Word sees and reveals it.
4. Why it is so important and so often not fully realized.
5. How it is a part of how we reach out and love others.
6. How do we forgive, when we forgive, and if we should forgive.
7. What receiving forgiveness is meant to do and be.