1. Background
    1. Political background
      1. Specific for the region
        1. National strategies
        2. Regional strategies
      2. EU Cooperation Strategy
        1. Asia
        2. Latin-America
        3. ...
        4. Global Policy Dialogue
      3. EU Development Policy
    2. Erasmus+
      1. General
        1. Education
        2. Youth
        3. Sports
      2. Key actions
        1. KA1: Mobility
          1. Individuals
        2. KA2: Cooperation
          1. Institutions
          2. CBHE
        3. KA3: POLICY
          1. Systems
    3. Countries
      1. Programme countries
        1. EU
        2. Others with an agreement
      2. Partner countries
        1. Different regions
        2. Project beneficiaries
    4. Use it on preparing your proposal
  2. What is Capacity Building?
    1. Framework
      1. Policy
        1. EU Development policy
        2. Cooperation
      2. Beneficiaries: partner countries
      3. Knowledge transfer
        1. Program countries
        2. Partner countries
      4. Mutual learning
    2. Objectives
      1. Modernisation
      2. Quality
      3. Management and governance
      4. Competences and skills
      5. Internationalisation
        1. Institutions
        2. System
      6. Regional integration
    3. Geographical scope
      1. National
        1. Relevance
          1. National
          2. 1 country / application
        2. Regional priorities
          1. National priorities?
          2. Focus on it
          3. Choose ONE
      2. Multicountry
        1. Relevance for ALL partner countries
        2. Options
          1. One region
          2. EC + EU External policies priorities
          3. Choose ONE regional priorities
          4. Cross-region
          5. Make it evident
          6. Added value?
          7. Common regional priority
          8. Regional priorities
    4. NOT about excellence
      1. Build capacities
  3. Priorities
    1. Regional priorities
      1. Variety
      2. Focus on the one in whicH your HEI is very capable
      3. Demand to the beneficiaries
    2. Improving management and operation HEI
      1. Governance
      2. Services
      3. Interantlisatoin
      4. Equity access
    3. Developing the HE sector
      1. Development of
        1. School
        2. Vocational education
        3. Institutions
        4. Tertiary education
        5. University-enterprise cooperation
          1. Employability of students
          2. Increase
      2. Recognition of
        1. Qualifications
        2. Qualification frameworks
      3. Monitoring reform policies
    4. Cross-Cutting Priorities
      1. Diversification of projects
        1. Within a region
        2. New activities to the region?
        3. New target groups?
        4. Partners never selected?
        5. Objectives
      2. Integration reguees
        1. Conligc affected countries
      3. Climate change prevention
        1. Migration strategies
    5. Make a difference on proposals with similar quality
  4. Prospecting phase
    1. Read the entire CBHE documentation
      1. What is needed
      2. What are you required
      3. ERASMUS + Program Guide
        1. Focus on the section about CBHE
      4. Call for proposals
      5. Electronic form
      6. Instruction to complete the application package
        1. Information needed to fill in the application
        2. Read carefully
      7. List of CBHE selected projects
        1. We look for diversification
      8. FAQ
    2. Identify needs
      1. Needs analysis
        1. How is implemented?
        2. Demonstrate to the external expert
        3. Concrete facts
        4. Be very detailed
          1. Don't assume that the expert knows
        5. Must be done locally
        6. Avoid overlaping with existing projects
      2. Level
        1. Your institution
        2. Country
        3. System
      3. Collective exercise
        1. Consultation
        2. Stakeholders
        3. Staff
    3. Project idea
      1. Starts locally
        1. Beneficiary
      2. Fit the CBHE
        1. Objectives
        2. Priotieis
        3. Requirements
      3. Fit internationalisation stratehy
        1. Institutional cooperation project
        2. Management must support the project
        3. The university is th eparticipant, not the individual
      4. Something innovative
        1. New
        2. Check the list of existing capacity building project
    4. Evaluate what is possible to achieve in a project
      1. 3 years project
      2. Different elegibility conditions
    5. Identify a target group
      1. Objective of the project
      2. Needs
    6. Identify potential partners
      1. Joint work during the preparation
        1. Active role
          1. Preparation of the application
          2. Implementation
        2. Collective exercise
      2. Based on
        1. Expertise
        2. Needs
        3. Area targeted by the project
        4. A team in each partner
        5. High interest of the partner
          1. Not only signing the mandate
          2. Demonstrate they want
          3. Participate
          4. COngtribute
          5. Active role
      3. Discuss
        1. Distribution of tasks
        2. Management structure
        3. Communication
    7. Demonstrate the impact
  5. Is it relevant?
    1. Demonstrate
      1. Relevance
        1. For your unviersity
        2. For your contry
      2. In line
        1. Priorities CBHE
        2. Regional priorities
        3. Institutional strategy
      3. Why your project is needed?
    2. Programme objecties national and regional prioriteis
    3. Needs analysis
      1. Demonstrate
        1. Your project is needed
        2. You have done a GOOD analysis
      2. Supported by
        1. Data
        2. Stadistic
        3. Surveis
        4. Information
      3. Be very specific
      4. Link
        1. Outcomes
        2. Needs detected
    4. Target groups
      1. Be specific
      2. Quantify the target groups
    5. Objectives
      1. Wider
      2. Specific
    6. Other projects
      1. Options
        1. Innovative character
        2. Complementary character
      2. Added value
      3. Built on previous results
    7. European added value
      1. For the partner organisations
        1. Why with the EU?
      2. Why can't be done at a national level?
    8. Local level
  6. Logical Framework Matrix
    1. General
      1. used in many international projects
      2. Literature
      3. Important tool
    2. Requirement
    3. Important tool
      1. Preparation phase
      2. Picture of our proposal
      3. What to write in the description
      4. For the monitoring
    4. Indicators of progress
      1. Meassure the progress
      2. Quantified
      3. Not mentioning only Nr of students
      4. Be explicit in how many students
      5. Do not jepordize your project external risk
  7. Projects
    1. Background
      1. Types of projects
        1. Joint projects
          1. Impact: Institutions
          2. Activities
          3. Curriculum Development
          4. The most common project selected
          5. Accreditated
          6. Officially
          7. Before the end of the project
          8. Teaching starts during the life time project
          9. Target groups
          10. Academic staff
          11. Administrative staff
          12. Pay attention to tne section where you describe courses
          13. University Governance
          14. Links HEI with social environment
        2. Structural projects
          1. Impact: HE System
          2. Ministries of Higher Education
          3. Must be included
          4. Partner countries
          5. Activities
          6. Modernisation
          7. Police
          8. Governance
          9. Management
          10. Links
          11. HEI
          12. Social environment
      2. Duration
        1. 2-3 years
        2. Starting dates
          1. 15 November 2020
          2. 15 January 20221
    2. Application
      1. Parts
        1. Description
        2. LFM
        3. Work plan
        4. WPs
      2. Describe your project
        1. Activities to be implemented
          1. Contribute to th egoal
          2. Methodology
        2. Specify rsults
          1. How are going to be achieved
          2. Activiteis to achieve results
          3. Produce concrete and sustainble results
          4. Benefit of all parties concercened
          5. Partner countries
          6. Equipement
          7. Is it really needed?
          8. To implement the activity
          9. Different equipement for each partner
          10. Avoid generic equipment
        3. Work packages
          1. Avoid a too long preparation phase
          2. Different parts written by different persons
        4. Prepared by all consortium
          1. Not only the EU partner
          2. Avoid "transferred proposals"
        5. Key words
          1. Coherent
          2. Concrete
          3. Examples
          4. Justify statements
          5. Bring evidence
          6. Clear
          7. Key questions
          8. Right order
          9. Simple language
          10. Avoid acronyms
          11. Be very specific
          12. Explicit
          13. Don't assume experts know details
          14. Rigorous
          15. Basis of your project
          16. Partnership committment
          17. Focused
          18. Objective of your project
          19. What is asked
          20. Complete
          21. All mandatory documents submitted
        6. Demonstrates that you can deliver
          1. Expected results
          2. Expected change
          3. Results will be maintained after the funding period
        7. Quantify
          1. Number of students
          2. Number of staff trained
          3. ...
        8. Check consistency
          1. No contraditions
          2. No patchwork from other project proposals
      3. Quality measures
        1. Ensure monitoring
          1. Internal cuality assurance
          2. Board
          3. Tools to be used
          4. Monitor quality
          5. Monitor implementation
          6. External qualityu assurance
          7. External expert
          8. External perspective
          9. Implementaiton
        2. Risk management
          1. Jepordize project
          2. Overcome risks
      4. Consistentce among parts
    3. A good proposal is a pre-condition for a good implementation
  8. Budget
    1. Boundaries
      1. Min: 500k€
      2. Max: 1M€
    2. Categories
      1. Regular costs
        1. Staff costs
        2. Travel costs
        3. Costs of stay
        4. Equipment
        5. Sub-contracting
      2. Exceptional costs
        1. Can be requested
          1. Application stage
        2. Why?
          1. Expensive travel costs
          2. Evironmental friendly transportation
    3. Cost effectiveness
      1. The budget is planned
      2. Strategy to ensure cost effectiveness
        1. Organising online meetings
        2. Combine activities
          1. Events
          2. Meetings
      3. Categories of staff cost
        1. Different roles needed
      4. Proportional to
        1. Activities
        2. Number of partners
    4. Overestimated budget will be penalized
  9. Consortium
    1. Background
      1. Who can apply?
        1. Joint projects
          1. HEI
          2. Association of HEI
          3. Associated partners
          4. No funding
        2. Structural projects
          1. Rectoral organisations
          2. Teacher organisations
          3. Student organisations
          4. HEI
          5. Associated partners
          6. No funding
      2. Structure
        1. National project
          1. 2 Program countries
          2. 1 HEI from each country
          3. 3 HEIs from the partner country
          4. Equal number as program countries
        2. Multi country partners
          1. 2 Partner countries
          2. 1 HWI from each Program country
          3. 2 Programme countries
          4. 2 HWI deom each tountry
      3. Special attention
        1. Least developed coutnries
        2. Universities in remote areas
        3. Ensure regional dimension
    2. Cooperative projects
      1. Active invovlement of all partners
      2. Cooperation should be relevant
        1. Complementarity
          1. Skills
          2. Related to project activities
        2. Justfiied
        3. Common needs and objejctives
          1. Weak point
      3. Partners
        1. The applicant
          1. Important role
          2. Contact person
          3. Don't have a dominant role
        2. Present partners
          1. In line
          2. Nature of the project
          3. Priorities
          4. Program countries: lower profile
          5. Partner countries
          6. Involvement
          7. Evident project ownership
          8. Main beneficiaries
          9. Written with this approach
          10. Target: partner countries
          11. Avoid generic description
          12. Be specific
          13. Right partner
          14. Best expertise
          15. Right skills
          16. Demonstrate contribution
          17. Active role
      4. Support and committment of all consortium partners
        1. Motivated
        2. Committed
        3. Ready
      5. Shared responsibilities
    3. Team
      1. Composition
        1. Different profeiles
        2. Experience staff
        3. New staff
        4. Administrative
          1. Management
        5. Academic
          1. Content
      2. management arrangements
        1. WP Leadership
          1. Responsibility to partner institutions
          2. Implementation
        2. Decission makeing process
        3. Effective project management
        4. Communciation channels
          1. Very ipmortant
          2. Be specific
          3. Communication strategy
        5. Demonstrate
          1. Mangaemetn strategy
          2. magnaemt methodology in place
          3. Institutional cooperation project
          4. No implementation at individual level
      3. Sufficient number of staff involved
  10. Impact and sustainability
    1. Demosntrate that your work will last after the end of the elegibility period
    2. Continue an impact at the country level
    3. After the funding
    4. Dissemination strategy
      1. How to implement
      2. Who will do what by when where and which are the target groups that you want to achieve
      3. Which are the tools
      4. Avoid only
        1. Website
        2. Social media
      5. Be creative
    5. Expectd impact
      1. Demonstrate
      2. Level
        1. Individual
        2. Institutional
        3. National
      3. Quantify
    6. Sustainability
      1. Continue results after the project
      2. Financial sustainaibilty
      3. Instituitonal political
      4. Accreditation is not sufficient
      5. Master needs to be attractive
        1. New master has to give to students future job perspectives
        2. Contact with the local companies
      6. New centers
        1. Don't be generic: the center will continue to exist...
        2. How will be financed
        3. Will it be part of the university?
          1. Under which epartment
          2. Staff
          3. Under which stracture
    7. Recommendations
      1. Use examples
      2. Involvement of the Minsitry
        1. Education
        2. Industrey
        3. Inform them
  11. Evaluation
    1. First step: External experts
      1. Assessment of projects by experts
        1. February 2020
        2. April 2020
      2. 4 Award Criteria
        1. Relevance: 30 points
        2. Quality of design and implementaiton: 30 points
        3. Quality of Team and cooperation arrangements: 20 points
        4. Impact and sustainability: 20 points
      3. Scoring
        1. Range
          1. 0
          2. 100
        2. Thresholds
          1. Relevance>15 points
          2. Total>60 points
        3. Ranking list
          1. 2 times the estimated funding
      4. Pay attention to all
    2. Second step
      1. Consultation EU Delegation
        1. Feasibiliyt
        2. Local context
        3. Dates
          1. May 2020
          2. June 2020
      2. Evaluation comittee (July 2020)
        1. Sufficient geographical representation
          1. Analysis per region
          2. Success rate per region
        2. Budget available
        3. Subject areas insufficiently covered
          1. Past projects
          2. Existing projects
        4. Maximum 3 funded proposals per applicant organisation
          1. Focus on the best ones
      3. Final decision
        1. Award decision: July 2020
        2. Notification to applicants: August 2020
        3. Preparation and signature of grant agreements
          1. Agust 2020
          2. December 2020
        4. Earliest start of eligibility period
          1. 15 november 2020
          2. 15 January 20201