1. W.D Ross
    1. Seven Prima Facie (at first sight) duties
      1. Fidelity
      2. Reparation for harm done
      3. Gratitude
      4. Justice
      5. Beneficence
      6. Self-improvement
      7. Not being Evil
        1. Must be considered in any moral situation
  2. Contradictions in the Will
    1. universalise an act , does not contradict itself but results in an undesirable world to live in
  3. Hypothetical Imperatives
    1. NOT moral commands
    2. Give instructions on how to achieve something else
  4. Categorical Imperatives
    1. Absolute command that must always be followed
    2. Absolute moral obligations
    3. Every person is equally bound to follow the dictates of the Categorical Imperative
    4. There are three things a Imperative must be
      1. Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time that will should become a universal law
      2. Act as if you are making rules for everyone
      3. You can never use people (even yourself) in anyway that removes human dignity in order to reach your desired end result
  5. Contradictions in the law of Nature
    1. Universalising an act that would become contradictory to its self
  6. Duty
    1. Good Wills only motive is Duty
    2. Some thing only contains good will if it is done out of your DUTY
    3. Its only motive is awareness that the act is right in itself
  7. Freedom
    1. For Kant, it is vital that we recognise that we do have true freedom or autonomy of the will. with this freedom comes the responsibility to make a decision which is not swayed by desires or emotions
  8. God
    1. Inherent justice in the world that ultimately virtuous or good behaviour would be rewarded (Summum Bonum ('highest good'))
  9. Immorality
    1. Not all good acts are rewarded in this life
  10. Reason
    1. Objective view of the good based on reason
    2. Moved away from Religion and Superstition , used Reason alone
    3. Pure and Practical reason could lead us to ethical decisions which are Universally Binding and NOT influenced by Fads or Fancies.
    4. Exists more or less in everyone
  11. Good Will
    1. If Moral law is to be Binding it must contain something which is good in itself, with out reference to anything else
    2. The only thing Intrinsically good (Good in itself) is Good Will
    3. The intention not the results of the act makes Good Will
  12. Maxims
    1. A maxim is a groundrule or subjective principle of action. In that sense a maxim is a thought that can motivate individuals.