Design Consultancy
- Buiilding local capacity
- Muddle
Setting up parallels to Syria (country wide)
- FAO notion around extension agents
- Cohort of the Americas
Others to come
- Climate based
- Watershed/biorgional groups
- Language cohorts
Topic based
- Agroforestry
Seed collection/saving
- Terraformation
Hemispheric transfers
North to South
- $$$
Surplus capacities
- techniques for making proposals
- Marketing, communications
South to North
- Closer connection to indigenous method
- Less distance from Retrotopia
- Buen vivir, southern way thinking, third-world
Open Badges
Create badges
- For sign-up
- For posting
- For replying with info
- With Ashleigh
- With Mick
- Diploma (and Degree) Equivalenting system?
Tech support for KE & Zendesk
- Alejandra's time
Mailing everybody who has ZD account
- Integrate with Hubspot?
- End users
- Staff
Explore using for RMT
- Student progress?
Other LMS functions
- Badge/certificate issuing
- Developing a workplan just for Zendesk with Ale's help
- Setting up Bitly (or other service for link simplification)
Camp inquiries
By visit of locals
- Mexico
- Europe/West Asia - June 2023?
- Online interviews
- Meeting with Directors? Europe event