1. Give yourself time
    1. Creativity is hard to quantify
    2. Stop searching for efficient ways to do things
    3. Spend time doing things you want to do
  2. Think beyond tasks
    1. Do meaningful work
    2. Don't get trapped in a never-ending cycle of tasks and to-dos
    3. Take a break from repetitive tasks
    4. Spend a day working on big ideas
  3. Prioritize quality over quantity
    1. Effect on relationship to entertainment
    2. Try to make downtime more productive
    3. Read two full long-form articles
    4. Pick one new movie to watch
    5. Take deeper dives into one story
  4. Change your metrics
    1. Find balance between creativity and productivity
    2. Think of a new way to quantify work
    3. Explore new ways to do old tasks
    4. Create a spreadsheet to capture fringe ideas for projects
    5. spend a few more minutes every week daydreaming
  5. Wander a while
    1. Don't concentrate to hard
    2. Unplug from external sources
    3. Turn to your instincts
    4. Take a walk around the block
    5. Give your total attention to your senses