1. Oracle tech development
    1. Don introduces and says we're going to be seing origins of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
  2. Talking about Web 2.0
    1. Memory
      1. Timesharing
        1. it was almost like going to temple
      2. Computing was always about looking backward
        1. Interesting statment. I'd like to explore this idea
          1. Think About This
      3. Technology of Abundance
        1. Kevin sais Moores Law will continue
        2. Abundance of Bandwidth
          1. Cheaper
          2. Better
          3. Faster
        3. Internet is Huge
          1. Mobile PHones
          2. Televisions
          3. Cars
          4. "Cloud Computing Will Change Business" Business Week
          5. It's not just water vapor
          6. Condensing into a perfect storm of capability
          7. Web 2.0 is a web of individuals
          8. The next web will be a web of information
      4. Meant to be centered around you
      5. Data
        1. 5% is structured for human use
        2. Massive Amount of information is being generated
  3. What's Coming next
    1. There's a problem
      1. We understand the information
      2. Computer's Don't
        1. What does all of this information mean
          1. Look up Oracle and do you mean the company, Warren Buffet, or The Oracle of Greece
      3. Web 2.0 is not about the Web, but about the way that people use it.
        1. Read "Groundswell" about the emergence of Web 2.0...
        2. It's a new way of doing things
          1. Not Push
          2. But Community
    2. We can learn something from how the students use the web
      1. Tools used on the web are not interesting until they get technically boring
    3. So What is 3.0
      1. Moving away from a web with technical
      2. A web that can help us understand the message...
        1. Moves from hyperlinks
        2. To a database
      3. The Web become a MetaWeb -- Symantic Web
        1. DVPedia -- Internet is becoming Organized
          1. Lookup DVPedia (May be DBPedia)
        2. Cloud computing
        3. Web sites
          1. Move from docs to services
        4. Grid Computing
          1. More centralization of the power
      4. To see what the web will be like -- pay attention to the kids
        1. But that's ok for us, because the web will wrap around us.
        2. The web will self-organize
        3. We'll be able to talk to the web
        4. We'll be able to touch it
        5. The Web will disapear
      5. Augmented Learning in Context
      6. Web is going to be on your mobile devices, TV, and objects we don't expect
      7. Digital Assistant
        1. Siri
          1. Huge
    4. Ubiqutous Computing
      1. Two Worlds
        1. Real World
        2. Information World
      2. What's coming is intellegent devices
        1. Vacuum Cleaners
        2. Device that allows House Plant to Twitter you...
        3. Smart Surfaces
        4. And we add to the intelegence of places
          1. think Foursquare and Yelp
          2. Think About This
        5. At expo in Japan, people there will be able to interact with people who are visiting virtually
          1. Think About This
      3. Because of connectivity, just living is going to generate data
        1. We'll be able to paint new pictures of ourselves
        2. What the web knows about us in relation to others will help us live better
    5. What does it look like when "Social" meets "Semantic"
      1. Think About This
    6. The web becomes our skin in a way, one that performs osmosis in a very powerful way