1. dharnas
  2. Rallies
  3. conflicts like
    1. religious processions and celebrations
      1. route of the procession
        1. police play an important role in getting representatives of concerned communities to meet and try arrive at a solution
    2. Rivers
    3. dams
      1. by terititory of the different places like cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
  4. signature campaigns
  5. Strikes
  6. Apartheid
    1. Separation on the basis of race
      1. White
      2. Black
      3. Indians
      4. Coloured races
  7. Apartheid System
    1. African national congress
      1. group of people wholed the struggle against apartheid
        1. Leader Nelson Mandela
          1. fought for several years
          2. got freedom in 1994 from Apartheid
  8. Regular Elections
    1. people make Decisions in a democracy
      1. Voting in elections leaders are elected to represent them
        1. Take decisions on behalf of the people
          1. keep in mind the voices and interests the people
          2. elected for fixed period
          3. india five years
          4. have to be reelected to continue period
  9. Participating in the process of the government
    1. Organising themselves into social movements
      1. that seek to challenge the government and its functioning
        1. Members of the minority community
          1. dalits
          2. adivasis
          3. women and others
          4. often able to participate in this manner
    2. allows people to participate
      1. not all sections of people are able to do
    3. Newspapers ,magazines and T.V also play a role in
      1. discussing government issues and responsibilities
    4. working and criticising the government
    5. In 2005
      1. When increased money in a particular government
        1. People had to pay for electricity
          1. government tried explain and defend its decision
  10. Need to Resolve conflict
    1. occur when people of different
      1. do not get along with each other
        1. when some one feel they are being discriminated against
          1. people may use violent means to settle their differences
          2. this leads to
          3. government is responsible for helping to resolve conflicts
          4. fear and tension among others living in an area
    2. cultures
    3. regions
    4. religions
    5. economic background
  11. Equality and Justice
    1. main key idea of a democratic government
      1. Inseparable
    2. earlier parctice of untouchability
      1. banned by law
        1. were denied education
          1. transport or medical facilities and even a chance to offer prayers
          2. Dr Ambedkar
          3. realisied that such practices must not continue and thus justice can be achieved
    3. government recognises this and makes special provisions for group within society that are unequal