1. Introduction
    1. My secret technique to produce Kindle books
    2. All about catering to a specific audience
    3. Recurring income from your quality products
    4. You need to take action!
  2. What you should already know
    1. How to make a Kindle book
    2. How to design a Kindle book cover
    3. How to upload your Kindle book
  3. What you will learn in this course
    1. Make income on autopilot
    2. A very profitable buying audience
      1. What niches do they buy?
      2. When do they buy?
      3. How often do they buy?
    3. How to format your book for optimal sales
    4. How to format your description for easy visibility
    5. When to release your books to get them into "buying mode" and keep them there
    6. How many books to release each time to ensure customers return for more
    7. How to price your first products
    8. How to price your product series
  4. About the Kindle
    1. Hottest book platform right now
    2. Super easy to publish
    3. Self publish without using a publishing house
    4. Anyone can do it!
    5. Recurring income for as long as you keep making sales
    6. Up to 70% royalties
    7. Many people are making hundreds of thousands on Kindle
    8. Features
      1. Increased payment per sale compared to Amazon affiliate
      2. Recurring income on auto-pilot
      3. Free advertising by the marketing giant, Amazon
      4. Easy to setup
      5. Copyright protection
      6. Guaranteed payment
  5. How this works
    1. 1. Familiarize ourselves with our target audience
    2. 2. Tailor our books to satisfy our target audience
      1. Cheap price
      2. Relevant niche
      3. Good, short content
      4. Nice cover
      5. Enticing description
      6. Good preview
    3. 3. Customers like your book and WAIT IN ANTICIPATION of your next book
    4. 4. Each customer goes through your entire series of books
      1. Price higher as you get more buyers
    5. 5. No reviews = GOOD!
  6. About the audience
    1. Demographics
      1. Working class
      2. Middle aged
      3. Predominantly women
      4. "Chronic Impulse Buyer"
    2. Buying habits
      1. Time of purchase
        1. Lunch time on weekdays
        2. Mornings on weekends
      2. Reason for buying: cure boredom
      3. When they like to read
        1. During lunch at work
        2. On long road trips
        3. On airplanes
        4. On the bus
    3. General niches
      1. Romance
      2. Fantasy
        1. Vampires
      3. Crime / Murder
      4. Drama
      5. Recipes
      6. Parenting
      7. Childhood adventure
      8. Weight loss
      9. Nutrition
  7. How to format your book
    1. Purpose
      1. Attract
        1. $0.99 starting off
          1. $2.99 to $9.99 as you get more buyers
      2. Entertain for 15 minutes
      3. "Thank you come again!"
    2. Attractive cover
    3. Enticing description
      1. Product description on one line
      2. Include word count
      3. Enticing description
      4. Include an excerpt in quotation marks
      5. Have a good preview
    4. Content
      1. Good, readable content
      2. Few grammar/spelling errors
  8. When to release your books
    1. Same day every week
    2. Release consistently
  9. How to release your books
    1. Release your books in batches of three
    2. Use the same pen name
    3. Use the same format
    4. Use the same price
    5. Use the same niche
  10. What you should do now
    2. Be consistent