1. ALL Israel
    1. Before Division of Kingdom
      1. 1. King SAUL (1Sam.11:15)
        1. 1st King of Israel
          1. Period:
          2. Total Years:
        2. Son of Kish
          1. Benjamite
        3. Father of:
          1. Ish-Bosheth
          2. 4th son of Saul
          3. Jonathan
          4. friend of Kind David
          5. Michal
          6. King David's first wife
      2. 2. Ish-Bosheth (Eshbaal) (2Sam.2:9)
        1. 2nd King of Israel
          1. Period:
          2. Total Years: 2
          3. 40 yrs old
        2. Son of Saul
          1. No king from his sons
          2. 4th son of Saul
      3. 3. King DAVID (2Sam.2:4) (2Sam.2:10)
        1. 1st King of Judah (2Sam.2:10)
          1. But, before the division
          2. Only Judah recognized David as king when Saul died.
          3. Period:
          4. Total Years: 7yrs 6mo
        2. 3rd King of All Israel (united) (2Sam.2:4)
          1. Period:
          2. Total Years: 33yrs 6mo
        3. son of Jesse
        4. husband of Abigail, Ahinoam, Bathsheba, Michal, etc.
        5. father of Absalom, Adonijah, Amnon, Solomon, Tamar, etc.
      4. 4. King SOLOMON (1Kings 1:39)
        1. 4th King of all Israel (united)
          1. Period:
          2. Total Years:
        2. son of David
        3. father of Rehoboam.
      5. 5. King REHOBOAM (1Kings 11:43)
        1. 5th King ofAll Israel (united)
          1. Period: 928-911
          2. Total Years:
        2. 2nd King of Judah Only
          1. Period:
          2. Total Years:
        3. during his reign the kingdom was divided into Judah and Israel
        4. Son of Solomon
  2. ISRAEL Northern Kingdom
    1. 01. JEROBOAM I (1Kings 12:20)
      1. 22yr
      2. His father was Solomon's servant
      3. God gave him the 10 tribes of Israel
      4. His father was Nebat
    2. 02. NADAB
      1. Son of Jeroboam I.
    3. 03. BAASHA
      1. Overthrew Nadab
    4. 04. ELAH
      1. Son of Baasha
    5. 05. ZIMRI
      1. Overthrew Elah
    6. 06. OMRI
      1. Overthrew Zimri
    7. 07. AHAB
      1. Son of Omri
      2. Husband of Jezebel
    8. 08. AHAZIAH
      1. Son of Ahab
    9. 09. JEHORAM (Joram)
      1. Son of Ahab.
    10. 10. JEHU
      1. Overthrew Jehoram
    11. 11. JEHOAHAZ (Joahaz)
      1. Son of Jehu
    12. 12. JEHOASH (Joash)
      1. Son of Jehoahaz
    13. 13. JEROBOAM Il
      1. Son of Jehoash
    14. 14. ZECHARIAH
      1. Son of Jeroboam II
    15. 15. SHALLUM
      1. Overthrew Zechariah
    16. 16. MENAHEM
      1. Overthrew Shallum
    17. 17. PEKAHIAH
      1. Son of Menahem
    18. 18. PEKAH
      1. Overthrew Pekahiah
    19. 19. HOSHEA
      1. Overthrew Pekah
      2. kingdom overthrown by Assyrians under Sargon II.
  3. JUDAH Southern Kingdom
    1. King DAVID
      1. 1st King of Judah
        1. But, before the division
        2. Period: 928-911
        3. Total Years: 7.5 years
    2. 20 KINGS From 1st Rehoboam to 20th. Zedekiah
      1. After death of King Solomon the nation of Israel was divided into two parts 1. North: 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel 2. South: 2 of the 12 Tribes (Judah and Benjamin)
    3. 01. REHOBOAM
      1. Son of Solomon
      2. Period: 928-911
      3. Total Years:
    4. 02. ABIJAH: (aka Abijam or Abia)
      1. Son of Rehoboam
      2. Period: 911-908
      3. Total Years:
    5. 03. ASA
      1. Probably son of Abijah
        1. Period: 908-867
        2. Total Years:
    6. 04. JEHOSHAPHAT
      1. Son of Asa
        1. Period: 867-851
        2. Total Years:
    7. 05. JEHORAM (or Joram)
      1. Son of Jehoshaphat
      2. Husband of Athaliah
      3. Period: 851-843
      4. Total Years:
    8. 06. AHAZIAH (Jehoahaz)
      1. Son of Jehoram and Athaliah
      2. Period: 843-842
      3. Total Years:
    9. 07. Queen ATHALIAH
      1. Only QUEEN of Judah
      2. Wife of Jehoram
      3. Daughter of King Ahab of Israel and Jezebel
      4. Period: 842-836
      5. Total Years:
    10. 08. JOASH (or Jehoash)
      1. Son of Ahaziah
      2. Period: 836-799
      3. Total Years:
    11. 09. AMAZIAH
      1. Son of Joash.
      2. Period: 799-786
      3. Total Years:
    12. 10. UZZIAH (or Azariah
      1. Son of Amaziah
      2. Period: 786-758
      3. Total Years:
    13. 11. JOTHAM
      1. Son of Uzziah
      2. Regent, later King
      3. Period: 758-742
      4. Total Years:
    14. 12. AHAZ
      1. Son of Jotham
      2. Period: 742-726
      3. Total Years:
    15. 13. HEZEKIAH
      1. Son of Ahaz
      2. Husband of Hephzi-Bah
      3. Period: 726-697
      4. Total Years:
    16. 14. MANASSEH
      1. : Son of Hezekiah and Hephzi-Bah
      2. Period: 697-642
      3. Total Years:
    17. 15. Amon
      1. Son of Manasseh
      2. Period: 642-640
      3. Total Years:
    18. 16. Josiah (or Josias)
      1. Son of Amon
      2. Period: 640-609
      3. Total Years:
    19. 17. JEHOAHAZ (or Joahaz
      1. Son of Josiah
      2. Period: 609-608
      3. Total Years:
    20. 18. JEHOIKIM (Eliakim)
      1. Son of Josiah
      2. Period: 608-597
      3. Total Years:
    21. 19. JEOIACHIN
      1. Son of Jehoiakim
      2. Period: 597
      3. Total Years:
    22. 20. Zedekiah
      1. Son of Josiah
      2. kingdom overthrown by Babylonians: Nebuchadnezzar
      3. Period: 597-587
      4. Total Years:
  4. Righteous Vs Unrighteous Kings
    1. Righteous Kings
      1. ISRAEL: Northern Kingdom
        1. None
      2. JUDAH: Southern Kingdom
        1. Many
    2. Unrighteous Kings
      1. ISRAEL: Northern Kingdom
        1. Many
      2. JUDAH: Southern Kingdom
        1. Some
  5. Prophets of the Kings
    1. MAJOR Prophets
      1. Isaiah
      2. Jeremiah
      3. Ezekiel
      4. Daniel
    2. MINOR Prophets
      1. Hosea
      2. Obadiah
      3. Nahum
      4. Haggai
      5. Joel
      6. Jonah
      7. Habakkuk
      8. Zechariah
      9. Amos
      10. Micah
      11. Zephaniah
      12. Malachi
  6. SAMUEL Prophet & Judge Before the Kings
    1. OVERVIEW (before Samuel)
      1. - In the period that preceded the Monarchy, - Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit (Judges 21:25)
    2. God raised up Samuel to lead the people (1 Samuel 3:4)
    3. All of Israel knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord (1 Samuel 3:20)
    4. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life (1 Samuel 8:1)
    5. When Samuel was old he made his sons judges over Israel (1 Samuel 8:1)
    6. Israel rejected the sons, refused to obey Samuel and demanded a king (1 Samuel 8:19-20)
    7. When Samuel reported their request to God the Lord answered, “Listen to them and give them a king” (1 Samuel 8:22).