1. Creativity, design and innovation
    1. Design & knowledge related services (Creative)
      1. Advertising, market research and public opinion surveys
      2. Arqchitectural, engineering and other technical services
      3. Research and Development services
    2. Design exports
      1. Fashion, interior, toys, jewellery and graphic
  2. Networked economy
  3. Innovation process
    1. 3 generic technologies: IvT, ICT, OMT
      1. ICT
  4. Global innovation network
    1. Trends & events
      1. complexity and cost of innovation process
        1. The cost of complexity: ICTs, harmonisation of business practice, breakdown of consumer categories, convergence between industries and/or technologies, surpulus of ideas (funnel)
      2. desarrollo de habilidades y talento en paĆ­ses emergentes (i.e. China e India)
      3. regional shortage of talent
      4. Off-shoring innovation
      5. Open innovation
    2. Inhibator: IP thief and coordination
    3. Challenges: coomunication (online, face-to-face)