1. 8 to 18 months
    1. 2-3 Assess
    2. Balance to execute
  2. TOC
    1. General inquiry
    2. Assess readiness
      1. Understand how ready the organization is, in whole and in parts, to change.
    3. Anticipate resistance
      1. Think ahead of time of people and groups that will resist, and how to handle this during the change process.
    4. Anticipate momentum
      1. Think ahead of time of people and groups that will support the change and help make it happen.
    5. Set clear goals
      1. Clear goals allow the leader to track progress and maintain accountability.
    6. Create the case
      1. The case for change must compel people to be supportive.
    7. Communicate the case
      1. The case must be communicated effectively and via the right media.
    8. Leaders go first
      1. Leaders set the tone up front by going first. This is far superior to lots of fanfare and marketing about the change.
    9. Enlist supporters
      1. Leaders build up groups of supporters to gain momentum.
    10. Set the path for change
      1. There should be a process that clearly lays out the path on the way to the desired change.
    11. Create teams
      1. Teams can work on designated parts of the change process.
    12. Provide appropriate support
      1. The leader can't abdicate, but must be available to help teams make the change happen.
    13. Track progress
      1. Tracking progress is key throughout to determine whether actions are needed to stay on track.
    14. Rapid action and quick wins
      1. In many change processes, getting quick, easy wins (sometimes called "low hanging fruit") creates and sustains momentum and positive feelings.
    15. Develop ideas
      1. A process to collect ideas to help make the change happen can be extremely valuable in many change initiatives.
    16. Sell ideas
      1. Ideas only matter if the champion of the idea can get others to agree. A good change process should have a process in place to support review of new ideas in a constructive way.
    17. Implement ideas
      1. Once accepted, implementation must follow. Otherwise, the change remains theoretical.
    18. Communicate progress
      1. The organization expects information about the status of the change initiative.
    19. Handle setbacks & resistance
      1. Leaders must be on alert for setbacks and resistance that can derail the change initiative.
    20. Leaders set the tone
      1. Leaders set the tone throughout the process through their actions.
    21. Celebrate results
      1. It is important to acknowledge and celebrate interim milestones and the ultimate result.
  3. General inquiry
    1. What is the change you want to make?
    2. What is the rationale for making this change?
    3. What becomes possible when the change is made, for the organization, your customers, your investors, your employees, your leadership, and you personally?
    4. How will you feel when the change is made?
    5. How big is the gap between where you are now and where you need to be?
    6. What are the biggest issues in making this change happen?
    7. What is working in your favor for making this change?
    8. What is your plan to lead this change?
    9. Where are you most concerned about success as you make this change?
    10. How confident are you that you know the right answer in terms of what needs to be done?
    11. How confident are you in your leaders to support you?
    12. How confident are you in your front-line employees to support you?
    13. What else is on your mind about making this change successful?
  4. Assess readiness
  5. Anticipate resistance
    1. Most Likely Individuals to Resist
    2. Reasons for Resistance
    3. Power to Slow the Change
    4. How to Influence Them
    5. Plan B: Trigger to Isolate or Remove
  6. Anticipate momentum
    1. Most Likely Individuals to Support the Change
    2. Reasons for Support
    3. Power to Accelerate the Change
    4. How to Leverage Their Support
    5. What You Must Do To Keep them Supportive
  7. Set clear goals
    1. Revenue
      1. Specific Overall Metrics of Success
      2. By When
      3. Milestones
      4. By When
    2. Profit
    3. Productivity Ratios
    4. Other Financial Ratios
    5. Technological Achievements
    6. Quality
    7. Service
    8. New Products
    9. Market Share
    10. Customer Satisfaction
    11. New Products
    12. Employee Turnover
    13. New Markets
    14. Safety
    15. Other
    16. Other
    17. Other
  8. Create the case
    1. Why we need to change
    2. What happens if we don't
    3. What becomes possible if we do
    4. What happens next
    5. My request to you
  9. Communicate the case
    1. How We Will Communicate It
    2. Who Will Communicate It
    3. Frequency
    4. Starting When
  10. Leaders go first
    1. How I will go first
    2. New ways I have to "be" or "show up" in order to lead during this change
    3. Sacrifices I will make before asking of sacrifices from others
    4. What I will stop tolerating
    5. What I will stop doing
    6. What I will start doing
    7. New attitudes and how I will demonstrate them
    8. New ways I will communicate with and relate to others
    9. Expectations I will communicate to my executive team
    10. What else?
  11. Enlist supporters
    1. Key Supporters
    2. Roles They Can Play
    3. How to Enlist Them
    4. How to Support Them
  12. Set the path for change
    1. Key Milestones
    2. Overall Strategy
    3. Teams to Form
    4. Resources Needed
    5. Critical Path
    6. Key Tasks to Get Done
    7. What Else about the Path
  13. Create teams
    1. Team Name
    2. Measure of Success
    3. Leader
    4. Participants
    5. Support Needed
  14. Provide appropriate support
    1. Training
    2. Leader's Time and Visibility
    3. Provide "Ground Cover" for Others
    4. Incentives
    5. New Roles
    6. Technology
    7. Financial Investment
    8. Taking Things Off Employees' Plates
    9. New Hires
    10. Outside Advisors
    11. Other
    12. Other
  15. Track progress
    1. How will you measure progress of specific ideas?
    2. How will you measure overall progress?
    3. Who will be accountable for doing this?
    4. What tools or technologies are needed?
  16. Rapid action and quick wins
    1. Quick Win Ideas to Gain Momentum
    2. Measure of Success
    3. Benefits
    4. Who will Lead
    5. Who will Assist
    6. Key Stakeholders
    7. Investment Required
    8. Next Steps
  17. Develop ideas
    1. Idea Name/Champion
    2. Description
    3. Investment required & Timing
    4. Benefits expected & Timing
    5. ROI & Payback
    6. Key stakeholders
    7. Action plan
    8. Key risks
      1. Description
      2. Impact
      3. Severity
      4. Probability
      5. Likelihood of Detection
      6. Mitigation approach
      7. Proposed solutions
    9. Approval process
    10. Immediate steps on approval
  18. Sell ideas
    1. Idea Name
    2. Stakeholder
    3. Support/Don't support
    4. Reason
    5. Date
    6. Next steps
  19. Implement ideas
    1. Idea Name
    2. By when
    3. By whom
    4. Measure of success
    5. Results
    6. Next steps
      1. PHASE 1
      2. MILESTONE 1
      3. PHASE 2
      4. MILESTONE 2
      5. PHASE 3
      6. MILESTONE 3
  20. Communicate progress
    1. Ways we will communicate
    2. Who will communicate
    3. Frequency
    4. Starting when
  21. Handle setbacks & resistance
    1. Issue
    2. Negative impact
    3. Who is involved
    4. Plan to handle
    5. Who will
    6. By when
  22. Leaders set the tone
    1. Compared to the start of the change, how well am I continuing to lead by example?
    2. What additional sacrifices can I make?
    3. What will I stop tolerating?
    4. What will I stop doing?
    5. What will I start doing?
    6. New attitudes and how I will demonstrate them:
    7. New ways I will communicate with and relate to others:
    8. Expectations I will communicate to my executive team:
    9. What else?
  23. Celebrate results
    1. Result
    2. How to Celebrate
    3. Who should be acknowledged