1. Lean in It
    1. WHAT
      1. is a guiding principle that defines the behavior of people that helps in improving the process as a whole
        1. involves continuous improvement
        2. the focus of the customer on the optimized flow of information
          1. primarily focus on customer satisfaction
    2. WHY
      1. to achieve small yet incremental changes that positively change the speed, quality, and efficiency
      2. it eliminates the wastes
    3. Lean helps us eliminate
      1. Errors
      2. Excess production
      3. Reduce waiting
      4. Inventory
      5. Transportation
      6. Motion
      7. Over process
    4. Lean in It. Wastes and their elimination
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/YtcnfN/
    5. Lean In IT. Бережливое производство в ИТ: работа с потерями
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/bGgr/
  2. Six Sigma
    1. WHAT
      1. a series of phases in order to reach the root causes of the problem, eliminating the impact, and making sure that the solution is sustained
    2. WHY
      1. to ensure that the process has minimum defects
    3. DMAIC
      1. Define
        1. the problem, improvement activity, opportunity for improvement, the project goals, and customer (internal and external) requirements
          1. Activities
          2. Launch Team
          3. Establish charter
          4. identify the problem that requires improvement
          5. to understand the issues as a whole and understand the customers’ preferences
          6. Plan project
          7. define the issues and the action plan required to achieve the results
          8. use available data
          9. Summary
          10. Prioritize: high, low, medium
          11. Understand the areas where it will impact example
          12. Gather the Voice of the Customer
          13. Get an idea of the available resources
          14. Plan for Change
      2. Measure
        1. process performance
          1. Activities
          2. Document the process
          3. progress and performance
          4. define “current stage” ---->baseline
          5. to measure the improvements made in the project
          6. Collect BaseLine measurable Data
          7. to analyze the root cause of the waste
          8. confirmed source
          9. update the data regularly
          10. Narrow project focus
      3. Analyse
        1. the process to determine root causes of variation and poor performance (defects)
          1. Activities
          2. Analyze Data
          3. with Team
          4. share viewpoints to add value to the whole process
          5. Identify Root Cause
          6. the main goal
          7. Identify and eliminate wastes
          8. Time
          9. How well the project members utilize the time
          10. Are there any lags due to long unnecessary breaks?
          11. Is there any other reason that drags the project off its stipulated timeline?
          12. Value
          13. How well is the project moving towards achieving customer satisfaction?
          14. How is it adding value in terms of efficiency and high-quality product?
          15. Value Stream Mapping
          16. map the process and identify the areas where the waste processes
          17. to make informed decisions to add or delete a particular step
      4. Improve
        1. process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes
          1. Activities
          2. Generate Solutions
          3. to fix root cause
          4. improvements need to be implemented at the right time to get the desired results
          5. need to prepare a proper plan of action
          6. solutions need to be practical
          7. should easily be implemented
          8. don’t add considerably to the budget of the project
          9. take other project constraints (available workforce, technological support)
          10. Evaluate Solutions
          11. Optimize Solutions
          12. Pilot
          13. Plan and implement
          14. measure the improvements and record the same
          15. note down the changes which lead to improved the whole process
      5. Control
        1. the improved process and future process performance
          1. Activities
          2. Control the process
          3. make sure that the issues do not get repeated
          4. make sure that the whole process is following the Lean Six Sigma Principles
          5. build a monitoring algorithm
          6. make sure the improvements are visible
          7. update the data and noticeable improvements at every stage
          8. deviation
          9. should be noted
          10. Validate benefits
  3. The benefits
    1. to improve customer satisfaction and experience
    2. to boost productivity
    3. to improve planning and execution
      1. SWOT- Analysis. Back to basics
        1. https://www.xmind.net/m/gfY77F/
    4. to minimize errors
    5. to speed up turnaround time
  4. Problem Solving
    1. 8 D in Testing
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/J7Z4/
    2. 8D. Step 2. Problem Description: 5W2H
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/fcnd/
    3. 8D. Step 4. Root Cause Analysis. Part 1: FishBone
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/mNR2/
    4. 8D. Step 4. Root Cause Analysis. Part 2: 5 WHY
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/SeKk/
    5. 8D:Тестирование отстает от разработки
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/XZk8/
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/kGqc/
    7. Tools for Problem solving and continuous improvement
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/tiAp/
  5. Sources
    1. Guide to Understanding Lean and Six Sigma for Manufacturing
    2. https://www.invensislearning.com/blog/dmaic-basic-phases-of-six-sigma/
  6. a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes