1. Knowledge
    1. Chaos
    2. Meaning
      1. External
        1. Individual
          1. Experts
          2. Friends
          3. Family
        2. Object
          1. Internet/Virtual Resources
          2. Real Life Resources
        3. Group
          1. Professional Society
          2. Social Networks
          3. Online Learning Community
      2. Internal
        1. Brain
  2. Information Reservoir
    1. Open Resource Reservoir
      1. Non-expert Generated Resources
        1. Podcast
        2. Blogs
        3. Wiki
      2. Expert Generated Resources
        1. iTunes U
        2. Berkeley Webcast
        3. MIT OCW
        4. Yale Open Courses...
    2. Half-closed Resource Reservoir
      1. Library
      2. Traditional Educational Institution
      3. Textbooks
    3. Closed Information
      1. Secret Institutions
  3. Learning Environment
    1. Formal
      1. Business
      2. School
    2. Informal
      1. Entertain
      2. Hobbies
  4. Learning Technology, The lubrication of information to human brain?
  5. Learning Technology
    1. Instructional Design
      1. Systematic process
        1. Analyze
        2. Design
        3. Develop
        4. Implement
        5. Evaluate
    2. Learning Science
      1. Design research
        1. Initial design stage
        2. Data collection
        3. Macrocycle level analysis
        4. Design adjustment
        5. Research reporting and theory building
    3. Objectivsm
      1. Behaviorism
        1. Behavioral Objectives
      2. Information Processing Cognitivism
        1. attention
        2. encoding
        3. retrieval
    4. Constructivism
      1. Social Cognitivism
      2. Situated Learning Theory
        1. Individually
        2. Communitywide
        3. Organizationally