1. Listings
    1. Bulk upload
    2. Barcode/ PDF
  2. Browse
    1. Site Error
    2. CC Pings
    3. Adding CC
  3. Order Place
    1. No Tix/No Subs
    2. No Tix has subs
    3. Mapping Error
      1. Seller Mislisted
      2. StubHub Site Error
    4. Upload Error
    5. Buyer Remorse
      1. Chargebacks
    6. Site Errors
      1. Double buys
    7. Wrong Payment Type
    8. Authorization Holds
    9. Fancode Refunds
  4. Order Confirmed
    1. Seller can't fulfill
    2. Fraud
    3. Deactivated Seller
    4. MLB Errors
      1. Barcode Errors
    5. IHD
  5. Tickets Shipped
    1. FedEx
      1. Loss
      2. Delay
    2. Re-Route
      1. Buyer Relocated
      2. Return to Sender
    3. Late shipment
      1. Tix delivered after event
    4. E-Delivery
      1. Incorrect Barcode
      2. Wrong PDF
      3. Hard Tickets Sent
    5. Buyer Refused
    6. CSE
  6. Tickets Received
    1. LMS
    2. Not Found
    3. Wrong Tix
    4. Damaged
    5. Invalid
    6. Empty Pakcage
      1. Seller Letter
      2. No tix Included
      3. Addtl items not included
        1. Parking Pass
        2. Food/Beverage
        3. VIP
    7. CSE
  7. Payment Processed
    1. Delivery Status not updated
      1. LMS Pick-Up
      2. Duplicate tracking
      3. CS Error
      4. Internal Delivery Method change
    2. Tech issue
      1. Status Delays
      2. GP Errors
      3. PayPal Errors
      4. Merchant System Errors
      5. Invalid Payment Issue
      6. No Payment Contact
      7. Incomplete Address
        1. Limited character spacing
        2. Payee info Missing
    3. Check Issues
      1. Return to Sender
      2. Check Stolen
      3. Incorrect Payee
      4. Returned Checks
      5. Incomplete Address
    4. CS Error
      1. Wrong Payment type
      2. Incorrect Amount
      3. Incorrect Address
    5. PayPal
      1. Email not matched
      2. Email not Verified
      3. Seller Refunds
    6. CM Applied
  8. Event
    1. Ratg
      1. Tix Scanned In
      2. Barcode Error
      3. Invalid Tix
    2. BARFS
      1. Tix Double Sold
      2. Venue Error
    3. Cancel/Postponed
    4. Experience
    5. Lost Tickets
    6. No LMS
    7. Buyer Behavior
    8. Venue Change
    9. Time Change