1. "The Truth Shall Set You Free"
  2. "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"
  3. Keeping my spirit in tune
    1. Spiritual
      1. "Grow in grace so you don't grown in disgrace"
      2. Read Bible
        1. Reading plan
        2. Daily devotional plan
      3. Prayer
        1. Time for prayer
      4. Salvation
      5. Faith
      6. Close to God
      7. Child of God
      8. Family devotions
      9. Personal devotions
  4. Keeping my body in tune
    1. Physical
      1. Exercise
        1. Abs
        2. Arms
        3. Legs
        4. Cardio
          1. Walk
          2. Minimum of 2 miles a day
          3. Jogging
          4. Biking
      2. Health
        1. Feeling good
        2. Thin and mean/lean
        3. More energy
      3. Diet
        1. Look good for my wife
        2. Eat the right foods
          1. Minimize carbs
          2. Maximize protein
          3. Stay away from
          4. Soda
          5. Fake sugars
          6. Processed food
          7. Do eat
          8. Raw vegies
          9. More fruit
      4. Learn to fight
        1. Get a heavy punching bag
        2. The need to punch or strike
        3. Builds confidence
      5. Mentor/Coach
  5. Keeping my finances in tune
    1. Financial
      1. "Have enough money so I don't have to worry about money"
      2. Mentor
        1. Accountability
        2. Keep me on track
        3. Challenge me
        4. Guide me
      3. Cashflow
        1. By selecting deals that make sense
      4. Investing
        1. Doing deals
          1. Wholesale
          2. Search for properties
          3. Look for "For Sale by Owners"
          4. Knock on doors
          5. cruise neighborhoods
        2. Be consistent
          1. Rinse and repeat
        3. build momentum
      5. Build mastermind team
  6. Keeping my mind in tune.
    1. Emotional/Mental
      1. Learning
        1. Feed the mind
        2. Reading
        3. Audio cd's
      2. Right Relationships
        1. Healthy marriage
        2. Happy marriage
        3. Spend time with kids
      3. Mentor
      4. Relax
        1. No work on Sundays
        2. Vacations
        3. No work after 8PM